40 minutes of UFO footage filmed in China

If you dont speak Chinese you are at a great disadvantage, but this was a post under the news article and video.

<font color="blue"> My wife and I are among those who saw this object, although we disagreed about what it might be. I'm a US citizen living in China. I've always enjoyed sky watching, so imagine my interest in seeing the sky on the opposite of the planet.
As luck would have it, that day had clear skies. We live 1000 km (620 miles) north of Nanjing and weren't privileged to the full eclipse, but it was still a good reason to look up. Here's the datum from our observation:
1. It traveled the sky nonlinear.
2. Its speed varied, but didn't exceed the speed of commuter jets.
3. Its altitude varied.
4. It was silent and had no navigation lights.
5. Its color shifted between blue and orange.
We had a lot of fun arguing in a foreign language about what we thought it was. We don't really care if it was an airplane, swamp gas or a visit by the Romulans, but we did enjoy having an oddity to talk about. I'm not suggesting it was an alien encounter, but it was a(n) UFO, literally!
