I'm NOT Kidding...


Super Moderator
I\'m NOT Kidding...

...when I speak of ElectroGraviMagnetism as the emerging view of a Triplex set of inter-related phenomenon.

Where ElectroMagnetic waves are defined as spherical surfaces moving outward from source and inward to a sink, we recognize that Gravity operates as a vector that is orthogonal (at right angles) to the surface of the spherical E/M wave phenomenon.

As we come to understand the spiraling, dynamic nature of electromagnetic energy in space we will also come to find how this phenomenon is related to the creation of gravity in an "N-body space".

Aether is not such a far-out idea anymore.

New/Improved RMT, now with more Vitamin E!
Re: I\'m NOT Kidding...


"Consider the bottom section of the UFO as an enclosed circular cavity wherein the energy fields can be developed into fields of high permittivity.

The group velocities of the electromagnetic waves will consequently be slowed down. A packet of such electromagnetic waves when ejected tangentially out of that cavity will be a stretched wave-packet. When it leaves the rim and rounds the upper dome shell that stretched wave-packet begins to compress as it curls around the dome through smaller curvature toward the dome's apex. Magnetic pads situated around the apex by working on both the radial element of the electromagnetic wave-packet and on the craft's magnetic flux lines will allow the craft's flux lines to form into a collimated helical filament-tube with pre-designated trajectory. The wave-packets curling round the dome can then curl round the apex and into that collimated filament-tube, and be accelerated ahead of the craft along a pre-designated trajectory.

The geometry of the upper dome and the inhomogeneity of the craft's flux lines will work in concert with the geometry of the filament-tube to compress the envelope of that wave-packet in a way analogous to a chirped circularly-polarized field. Back-scatter could also be envisioned to act as an additional compressive mechanism to further amplify the amplitude of that moving field. Either way, the much amplified wave-packet will be sent ahead of the craft.

The result of this action will of course be fully dependent upon what energies the wave-packets will be comprised of and too their repetition rate. It will be sufficient to say here that if these factors are dialed-in correctly the wave-packet will become the most intense field of energy (of that particular kind of energy) in the immediate vicinity of that craft, succinctly more intense than when they left the craft's rim as a lowly stretched pulse. So therefore that craft would have no choice but to be dragged in whatever direction those compressed and intensified wave-packets were sent.

Travel in space would be easy as the craft would be buoyant and would have no gravitational weight. But so too would it be easy in earth's atmosphere if inside the craft there were means by which a horizontal gravitational center were in operation providing a more powerful attraction than earth's vertical gravitational field"

---Paul E Potter

Related: http://laufo.com/ufophysics/science.html