Mandelbulb3D Fractal Software


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Downloaded Mandelbulb3D Fractal software for free. 

Am amazed at the artistic potential the software offers artists. 

You can animate your work, and in combination with other free software, such as the video editor OpenShot, WoW...there are no limits.  A catch phrase that got to me was this, " The infinite in the finite."    Through Mandelbulb3D, the infinite can truly be found.   

Mandelbulb3D Software

It downloads as a zip file.   So, you have to extract all.  Within the un-zipped files you will see :


Move that to your Desktop, and away you go.   

There are tutorials available on the web.  But to get going quick, just click Calculate Now button, then click the Navigation button, and you will be able to move around the fractal.   Anyone interested in doing fractals, we can discuss. 


Example of one of the Fractals created in Mandelbulb3D.   I was able to use OpenShot video editor and YouTube video studio to post this on YouTube.  

Um...can like and subscribe if you want too.     ?    

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Another fractal I created using from Mandelbulb3D and a Photo editing program.   

This is interesting and thank you for sharing more about this KerrTexas. There is a current investigation in creativity that incorporates this very concept happening right now in the blockchain Renaissance. Taking a master layer of art and adding dimensions like these to become interactive is fascinating. There is a term being used called Fractionalization. These layers can be bought by multiple collectors and then become customizable. Mutating the art and fluctuating with different aesthetics seems like the future. Preserving art in a polished state forever. Good Stewardship is significant too. What is also an interesting conversation is the use of AI and the generations of art that come from that artist’s master layer. Who has ownership of those outputs? The artist or AI ? Seed or fruit? With everything becoming digitized, will quantum computers be able to reproduce/replicate human creativity ? The idea of burning artwork in a performative way also has transformed the landscape. It has become a movement too. I think it is a lucky time in history to be an artist and creator right now. 

I will check it out soon.  The earth is full of fractals, that’s why the computer versions look so real.  Even sound makes them.  

'm0nique23]This is interesting and thank you for sharing more about this KerrTexas. There is a current investigation in creativity that incorporates this very concept happening right now in the blockchain Renaissance. Taking a master layer of art and adding dimensions like these to become interactive is fascinating. There is a term being used called Fractionalization. These layers can be bought by multiple collectors and then become customizable. Mutating the art and fluctuating with different aesthetics seems like the future. Preserving art in a polished state forever. Good Stewardship is significant too. What is also an interesting conversation is the use of AI and the generations of art that come from that artist’s master layer. Who has ownership of those outputs? The artist or AI ? Seed or fruit? With everything becoming digitized said:
fraction[/I]alization?  Curious, looked it up myself and although it seems related, but not quite the same as Fractalization.  To simplify, Fraction / Fractal.   Related, but different dynamics.   Fractals retain themselves as a whole, never diminished.   Theoretically, it is possible to zoom into a Mandlebrot infinitely , the record so far has been 750 Million iterations.  True though, we merely see a fraction of a fractal...BUT...not sure if I'm even describing it correctly.    

YouTube Video - ( 

All the artists 'renderings' come from the same source.   The artist applying their own creativity to what is found in the Mandelbrot dimensions.   This brings us to the questions you asked regarding AI and renderings of art. It seems that you would first have to legally define AI as owned or independent.   If I created the program, or created the AI that created the art, seems reasonable that I would own everything the AI created.   Interesting though, since, we create children.  Do we own what they create? 

Very exciting time.  The possibilities are staggering.  We are at the doorway of an infinity of dimensions to explore.  Where will we go from here, especially as VR becomes more prevalent.  Imagine viewing the Fractal dimension(s) using an Oculus.  
[QUOTE='PaulaJedi]I will check it out soon.  The earth is full of fractals, that’s why the computer versions look so real.  Even sound makes them.  
[/QUOTE]It does seem that the foundation of the Universe is based on fractals.  Mentioned earlier,   The Infinite within the Finite ,  provides a potential opportunity to further understandings about existence itself.     

It does seem that the foundation of the Universe is based on fractals
I actually just watched a lecture about this:

Fascinating theories, and beautiful geometry. Something about it is deeply satisfying.

Thanks @KerrTexas

Very Cool. I used to play around with stacked Julia set fractals ages ago, but they were not up to this standard.

The Mandelbulb3D program has a sample setting called "Time Machine", pretty neato!

Only thing missing is the fuzzy dice. This is it straight out of the box.


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This is interesting and thank you for sharing more about this KerrTexas. There is a current investigation in creativity that incorporates this very concept happening right now in the blockchain Renaissance. Taking a master layer of art and adding dimensions like these to become interactive is fascinating. There is a term being used called Fractionalization. These layers can be bought by multiple collectors and then become customizable. Mutating the art and fluctuating with different aesthetics seems like the future,

[SIZE=10pt]click here to read[/SIZE]. Preserving art in a polished state forever. Good Stewardship is significant too. What is also an interesting conversation is the use of AI and the generations of art that come from that artist’s master layer. Who has ownership of those outputs? The artist or AI ? Seed or fruit? With everything becoming digitized, will quantum computers be able to reproduce/replicate human creativity ? The idea of burning artwork in a performative way also has transformed the landscape. It has become a movement too. I think it is a lucky time in history to be an artist and creator right now. 
Totally agree with you dude.
