What Is Quantum Spin UP and Spin DOWN?


Super Moderator
Is it not merely Quantum Annihilation (0) of any 2 DIAMETRICALLY Opposing Forces (+1/-1)?

Does the Human Conscious Condition determine which Quantum State (Spin UP or Spin DOWN) manifests for Its Own Observation?

Does the Single, Human, Conscious POV direct Quantum Events to Create Its Own Future?

How else can you explain the tendency of the Human System Matrix to Create situations in its Life?

Is it possible that a discussion of Time and how our Consciousness might "travel through Time" may involve some of these concepts described above?

I was just wondering...
"How else can you explain the tendency of the Human Matrix System to Create situtations in its Life."

Something that repeatedly occurs to me (and which I repeatedly reject) is that our conscious selves are dumbed down (or perhaps children) of our real selves, so that we write the script on one level and then wake to ordinary life and act it out, sometimes wondering why ""they" or the world is making it difficult for us.

Do you remember Walt Kelly's Pogo " We have met the enemy and they are us "?