I don't trust David Grusch


Staff member
With all the alien stuff in the news over the past year, you'd think I'd have begun more threads about it here. Aliens and UFOs are one of my favorite subjects, but stories come and go so fast that it's hard to keep up... Or sometimes I'd rather wait and see where it goes before I open my mouth about it.

David Grusch took me by surprise when he came out with his story, but I don't trust him.

If you don't know who Grusch is:

David Grusch is a prominent figure who recently emerged with claims of a UFO cover-up by the U.S. government. His story came to light earlier in 2023 when journalists Leslie Kean and Ralph Blumenthal published a detailed account of his allegations on The Debrief, a website focusing on "frontier science".

Grusch asserts that the U.S. government secretly manages a UFO retrieval program, possessing multiple alien spacecrafts and even the remains of their non-human pilots. Furthermore, he alleges evidence of white-collar crimes to hide these UFO programs and has hinted at them using murder to maintain their secrecy. He reached out to the director of the All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO), Dr. Sean Kirkpatrick, with his findings but felt his concerns were not adequately addressed.

His claims, which also suggest the potential interdimensional origins of these UFOs and malevolent activities associated with them, have been publicly presented in interviews with various media outlets, including a Congressional hearing in July 2023. Notably, his allegations have received some validation from notable figures, including a retired Army colonel and a current U.S. intelligence official.

However, a critical aspect of his claims— the idea that extraterrestrials are malevolent or violent—feels misaligned with broader logic to me.

Governments have long been suspected of manipulating narratives to maintain control and ensure public compliance. By casting extraterrestrial life as hostile, it offers a convenient avenue for the government to perpetuate a state of fear, thereby justifying tighter control measures. An external "threat", particularly one as incomprehensible as beings from another world, provides ample grounds for Patriot Act 2: Alien Boogaloo.

Regardless of that, throughout history, humanity has exhibited aggression, both towards itself and the environment. When we consider our track record, it’s not a far stretch to question whether our interpretations of extraterrestrial behavior (if that's what this fear mongering is based on) might be filtered through our own lens of mistrust and fear. If these beings truly posed an imminent threat, given their presumably advanced capabilities, wouldn’t they have acted already? They've been here for hundreds or thousands of years, right?

Maybe he means Lizzid Peeple like Hilary Clinton, reptilian shapeshifters from NIbiru.

I find it more likely that Grusch is perhaps a "limited hangout"—providing just enough information to draw attention away from more significant revelations or to shift public perception. Controlled disclosures can be used to divert attention, laying the groundwork for upcoming agendas, and molding public sentiment to accept a certain narrative, especially one that amplifies fear and demands for protection. We've all seen that before.

Grusch’s allegations should be met with skepticism. It's imperative to differentiate between genuine whistleblowing and whatever this guy is doing.
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Listen to Grusch, and then listen to Greer and what his witnesses talk about with regard to black operations:

I find it more plausible that Grusch is a tool being used by the entities at large to maybe "get ahead" of whatever other disclosure is going on. By Greer's account, we've had this technology for a century and it's being used against us by our own species to maintain control and power.

Mexico just had their own hearings and I still don't know what to think about all THAT, but the drips continue and a it'll be interesting to see what it turns into.

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I have a hard time trusting what's being said, at large. They've burned us so many times with bullshit and disinformation ops.

It's normal to be very cautious.

But why do it in the first place? Why set up that vast show, if for nothing? To manipulate us? Prepare us for something bigger, so that we don't go nuts when the "real" alien thing happens? That's one of the theories I tend to adhere to. True or not, they're preparing us for something bigger.

Also, as the old saying goes, where there's smoke, there's fire. So who knows? Perhaps it's all legitimate and honest... But I doubt it. I'm pretty sure it's one small step of a larger agenda.
I have a hard time trusting what's being said, at large. They've burned us so many times with bullshit and disinformation ops.

It's normal to be very cautious.

But why do it in the first place? Why set up that vast show, if for nothing? To manipulate us? Prepare us for something bigger, so that we don't go nuts when the "real" alien thing happens? That's one of the theories I tend to adhere to. True or not, they're preparing us for something bigger.

Also, as the old saying goes, where there's smoke, there's fire. So who knows? Perhaps it's all legitimate and honest... But I doubt it. I'm pretty sure it's one small step of a larger agenda.
i explained this on the other place before... 80 years of fraud... from ww2....
they murdered kennedy.... they then frauded you into a "moon" landing... they then murdered rabin.... and already were planning 911.... then on that sunny day with that blue sky they brought upon you graphene dronnes looking like boeings remotely flown... full of explosives onboard and in the buildings.... they then ruined your future to more than you could ever imagined... only now you start tasting it... they brought upon you MH370.... they pulled a covid abuse to finish their ai implementation into your full submission.... they did everything according to plan... they always had this plan... they did mistake their ability to control russia but they achieved their goals in the west of total control...
who is they? 3 agencies... they are one as of 2024.... they run everything... they own the internet while letting you think you do with the idiotic fake domain system... you entered the ai system willingly and the payment is here... and for a very long period.... there is a lot of things they have done in order to get to the end of 2023 the way they have with totally dominating... their only problem was "what would they do when boomers are out"... but now it is no longer much of a problem because they created an ai system with dumbed down pathetic weak and addicted generation with mediocre arts movies or music... that can not go 1 day without the ai.... it is horrific timeline as i said... and i am right 100% i am not asking if i am i am telling you that as a fact

yes amongst it all they had the ufo uap but this was always part of the simulation .... just like they hide from you antarctica in plain site... they have only this place to run and control... and they took full advantage of this... they cant get out of the dome... as "good" ole Von braun put on his stone.... psalms 19:1.... this is your ONLY truth... you will never see a moon a mars or any of that the way they portray it because it is LIE... you are in simulation with timelines within... but your timeline is run by the absolute worst of all worst amongst "the human beings"
I'm kind of starting not to give a damn about anything that might start occuring simply because I've been ridiculed and tortured in the past for so many things and its kind of too late really. And I have trouble trusting anyone by default for those reasons.
it is too late for anyone in this timeline... that means anything you communicate now... they are all part of this timeline... and yes it is too late as of 2024