History note alternate autos:


Epochal Historian
On the use of alternate vehicles, because in some ways, this society is closed, there is almost an animosity against people who use alternate autos now.

There were plans in the senate, to enforce a pay per mile tariff, on people who have hybrid autos, rather than leave them alone, so that they can take this extra earnings and deposited this in their retirement savings.

The oil companies have not learned to divest their interests to less and adopt a general energy conservation view, rather than an enforced oligharchism, over people who might use their products.

I am not anti-oil, or petroleum.

As a matter of fact, I proposed that lubrication still be used, however with the views that oil stores, in some way may act as geological shock absorbers, for tectonic movements.

I am not of the adage, that removing oil from the ground and then pumping water back in, solves anything.As a matter of fact, since water handles differ than oil, I assume that this practice might be considered as very dangerous geologically speaking?

*The feedback on the performance of these vehicle so far, had been pleasant.with users reporting a savings in the daily use of their vehicles.

The safety reports, as far as bad crashes and the extra fluid from the batteries in crashes, has not come in back as of yet however?