Personal deep space capability, now:


Epochal Historian
With reference to page 21, of Robot Magazine, the article NASAs MiniCam, or play ball sized padded cameras, they use in space, please note.

See <a href="" target="_blank">web page</a> in archives?

That at this recorded jumncure, with the technolgy that is avaialbe currently, that utalizing a large fruit juice sized payload, coupled with fold out solar pannels, that a deep ranged space vehicle, for high school children, might be possable.

These improvments are with the miniturization of eletronics and improvments in both shilding and insulation, that a mini-deep-rove spavce vehcile, could be constructed by high school students.

The problems associated with this vehcile are, a style of fully oxygentaited solid, that would work in airless space.

Im not sure that a fully oxygenaited solid, will work in space?

I have never seen any return data outlays, besides a near space solid, being utalized.

Other accesoried, would be a sallid style fold out dish, that would be utalized for the back to Earth uplink.

This would be a very small package.

The work involved, would be highly detailed anfd invovled.This project, completed, however would afford high school students, the ability to engineer their own deep space intrest.

Other tiems would bee a deep space camer and possable mini-reaction motors.

A proof of concept, then a number two space craft, could possably be completed.