philadelphia experiment

Well, the fortunate thing about my ship is that it can stay afloat without a crew..... So in the first instance bearing in mind I have no idea what to expect, I will run a 'ghost ship'.

From an engineering point of view, placing a metal (or conductive)object in a high power emf is almost akin to putting it in an induction furnace. So before any crew, not even an ant will step one foot aboard until I find out what happens across a range of frequencies and voltages.

If the ship does not disintegrate, or if something even more interesting happens, then maybe we would look at some form of crew..... (possibly even a cockroach first.... if they can survive inside the ark at Chernobyl, well I am sure they are definitely up for some inter-dimensional travel. Also, they are not cute and furry.....

Well, the fortunate thing about my ship is that it can stay afloat without a crew..... So in the first instance bearing in mind I have no idea what to expect, I will run a 'ghost ship'.

From an engineering point of view, placing a metal (or conductive)object in a high power emf is almost akin to putting it in an induction furnace. So before any crew, not even an ant will step one foot aboard until I find out what happens across a range of frequencies and voltages.

If the ship does not disintegrate, or if something even more interesting happens, then maybe we would look at some form of crew..... (possibly even a cockroach first.... if they can survive inside the ark at Chernobyl, well I am sure they are definitely up for some inter-dimensional travel. Also, they are not cute and furry.....


Ah perhaps you are right.... changing the subject what recording devices will you have running in case of any weird effects? And what results are you hoping for? I don't know much about the PE I thought it was just a legend...
well, in answer to your questions....

PE a Legend? an Urban Myth? I do not know. Therefore the plan is to try step by step to recreate what I can based on the public information. I have been given several documents to help with my experiment, and thank you to everyone who has contributed those. But to begin with, I intend to start with baby steps. First of all, how big a field can I create? and what happens in that field? This can only be discovered by practical experimentation. I do not want to calculate figures, as calculations only go so far. I want to measure. Maybe then I could find out something.... but as the great man himself once said.... "If I knew what I was doing, it would not be research and development" (forgive the paraphrasing)

As far as recording devices, I intend to use both film and CCD based camera recording equipment. I will try embedding these in a Faraday cage and rely on the depth of field in the lens to prevent the screen obscuring any recorded images, whilst hopefully stopping the cameras getting fried. I do have a super 8 cine camera, and I am wondering if I could do something similar with that..... But high intensity magnetic fields can fog film, but we can see.... I will not know what I have to change until I have a starting point somewhere. I will also aim to be monitoring currents, voltages and frequencies and (as long as the EMF does not screw up all my gear) will be streaming that data live alongside the video footage.

I will at some point place a time recording device in the field. This may be a combination of digital and mechanical watches, and an egg timer..... After all, I expect some deviation with the watches, but what magnetic field can cause sand to run backwards in an egg timer?

The water tank has a couple of purposes. As the original experiment was carried out at sea, and water is an electrical conductor, could it be that the water played a part in what happened? did it 'channel' the magnetic field by the relationship between electricity and magnetism? Therefore it will be tried with tap water, and then by real sea water.... (am only 50 miles from the coast here...... )

The other reason for the water would be positioning. By wrapping the induction coils in PVC tubing, the water will not provide any conductive path between the coils, but by careful positioning of the coils, it will allow the boat to float in the exact 'epicentre' of the field without building any supporting stands.

it will also allow me to see if the linear acceleration forces push the vessel out of the field.... I may be the first person to launch the USS Eldridge from a rail gun :D

As far as what I am expecting to see?

I think that certainly at some frequencies, I shall have effectively built an induction furnace, and I shall see this in action. It may be that at almost all frequencies I find exactly the same.

I can currently go from DC to 450 MHz at a peak of 180 amps and between 0 to 50kV (With obviously a proportional drop in current for each voltage step), but will be initially running at far lower currents and voltages. Build the voltage each time the frequency cycle resets.......

Other than melting my ship, what other effects do I foresee? well, the possibility of the rail gun.... and the death of my naval boatyard (fish tank)

Possibly the need to redesign the equipment as the electronics cannot work in the EMF levels.

What would I like to see? well, green fog, hull outline in the water and sand running backward through the egg timer would be brilliant, certainly unlikely on the first few attempts, that is if it ever becomes possible for me to get further.....

One definite result I can promise, though is that we will all have some solid data and therefore we have to have a greater understanding of the practicalities of such an experiment....
Al Bielek has some interesting claims. Needs more investigation. I'd like to ask him about Tesla's involvement.
Is Al still alive?
As far as what I am expecting to see?

I think that certainly at some frequencies, I shall have effectively built an induction furnace, and I shall see this in action. It may be that at almost all frequencies I find exactly the same.

I can currently go from DC to 450 MHz at a peak of 180 amps and between 0 to 50kV (With obviously a proportional drop in current for each voltage step), but will be initially running at far lower currents and voltages. Build the voltage each time the frequency cycle resets.......
have some solid data and therefore we have to have a greater understanding of the practicalities of such an experiment....[snip]

I don't know what you expect to see either. If it's the Teleportation Myth of PE or time travel consider this:

CERN's LHC is a 7 TeV gadget. It uses the entire output of a generating facility that could otherwise power a city of 35,000 people. It generates an 8.3 Tesla magnetic field. That's a bit less than a quarter million times greater than Earth's magnetic field. The LHC doesn't go invisible, travel in time or teleport to Norfolk, VA.
HI could someone work out,what is needed in equipment and money to replicate the philadelphia ex on a smaller scale?.Say from a ship size to a one person size.What amount of power ,and to phase shift the magnetic field, would a magnetron oscillator work.Also how big would a delta t antenna have to be? ... al /ttiforum/images/graemlins/confused.gif

Your trying to significantly distort spacetime, correct?

More power than the U.S. goes through in a year.

Any old solenoid capable of the energy density would work.

Physicist "Maconi" did these calculations. I saw him lecture at UCCS years ago.
I don't know what you expect to see either. If it's the Teleportation Myth of PE or time travel consider this:

CERN's LHC is a 7 TeV gadget. It uses the entire output of a generating facility that could otherwise power a city of 35,000 people. It generates an 8.3 Tesla magnetic field. That's a bit less than a quarter million times greater than Earth's magnetic field. The LHC doesn't go invisible, travel in time or teleport to Norfolk, VA.

Indeed! No where near the needed energy density.