Rotating magnetic field


Temporal Novice
Hello, I'm curious, and this is a question that hopefully will get answered truthfully. Is a rotating magnetic field what makes time travel possible? Also, would it have to be a very quickly moving magnetic field or could it be slow?

Also for any time travelers out there welcome to this board!

rotating magnetica fields are part of it. It all about the frequencies. The freq. modulations are the controls. Forward, backwards, fast, slow, etc. My mind loves rotating magnetic fields!
Not rotating so much has revolving osculations and the production and collapsation of successive magnetic fields consisting of a stationary inner and outer coil, inner fields being powered by DC current and the outer coils by AC current. Both surrounded by a high speed rotating aluminum array. (that provides the correct field osculations). At least that is my understanding of it.
Not rotating so much has revolving osculations and the production and collapsation of successive magnetic fields consisting of a stationary inner and outer coil, inner fields being powered by DC current and the outer coils by AC current. Both surrounded by a high speed rotating aluminum array. (that provides the correct field osculations). At least that is my understanding of it.

pix plox!!!11
I have no photos nor do I have any working models it was my understanding that the previously described device was only a component of a working machine. And that that part alone was useless with out having the rest of the components and the computer to control the correct power outputs to the component.
I've been a long advocate that Rotating Magnetic Fields is what allows the earth to have the gravity that it does. The "inertia" caused by the earth's rotating magnetic field is what we feel as gravity. It also explains why the magnetic poles "swap" every so often, north to south, that kind of thing.

I am an expert in the field of Diamagnetism, think of being able to introduce "impedance" into a magnetic field much like a resistor can be introduced to an electrical current, varying the "currend drop". Magnetic fields are usually highly localized around highly charged particle fields, even if no other fields exist to be attracted or repelled to them to be observed. It stands to reason that since most organic materials have high diamagnetic "potential" that we ourselves could be used one day to vary a magnetic field.

Do some Googling on Kerr-Newmann black holes (KNBH). That's a maximally charged and spinning black hole. It's the combination of the EM and gravitational fields that, in theory, open a wormhole via a ring singularity.

Then do the same with a Reissner-Nordström black hole (RNBH -charged, non-spinning).

Just keep in mind that as you look at the references that the scenarios involved place the black holes in empty space - a situation that real black holes can't be formed in (otherwise you have to ask where the matter came from that collapsed to form the black hole at all).