TTP Travel between timelines.


Temporal Novice
I believe time travel is possible. Just don't know that as a proven fact though. :( According to current theory our universe and all of its alternate/divergent timelines are contained/separated in a kind of infinite-dimensional space called "Hilbert Space". Unless a time traveller can return to his/her own timeline, time travel (into the past) would not be much use to foundations/corporations/government agencies. Also how many people would be willing to go knowing they could never return? However if the time machine could navigate hilbert space, certain risks & expenses of time travel would be avoided. Seeing that the main reason for visitting the past would to obtain things (objects, information, extinct species, etc.) having the traveller able to return home would be one of the highest priorities. Besides if time machines were never seen again (once they went into the past) who in their right mind would provide the initial funding?