Why don't people from the future come to our time?

There probably are, but they likely are forbidden to say that they are time travellers. It would also break a lot of things if they did something wrong, so I think that they are here to just observe human evolution.

Here is another possible reason for not having "time tourists" in our time.Because of the development of the technologies and the sciences, the life in the future may have become so much better, that from the future people's perspective, our life as a misery. They may consider our life, as we consider the life in the 1800's when people have been taking feces in holes in the garden or directly on the floor in the palaces, or has had a special spikes on the walls of the palaces, where the people could scratch their heads through the wigs, to comfort their heads from the louses, that they have.Maybe to ask why we don't have tourists from the future is equal to ask why we don't go for a vacation in the local gypsy neighborhood.

They may think of our time as a grouse, dangerous and ugly place.
That's one possibility I think is really plausible. Even if our existence isn't ugly, it could be insanely boring to a culture that's scientifically advanced enough to create time travel. They might have developed a way to learn all they need to learn about our time from other methods of inquiry than actually coming back. Plus, because of the Internet, we're documenting our existence in an unprecedented way. There's a reason to go back to see how a long lost civilization like the Aztecs lived because there's less information about their day to day life but modern people even post pictures of their meals online so it may not be necessary.If time travel becomes possible, it's plausible that all of the arts, sciences and cultures of future people are so advanced that it makes ours look infantile in comparison. When I was a little kid, I loved a lot of crappy cartoons that were essentially 30 minute commercials for toys but as an adult, I don't have any interest in them because my tastes of evolved and refined. The difference between a child's taste and an adult's could be a great analogy for how the future might think of our culture. It's really easy for us to think we're incredibly interesting while we're living in the moment but that's hardly an objective account.

The so called time machine has always existed; although the human search for a machine that would transport one about space and time will develop in physicality, the ability has always existed, this ability is a component of the so called Father's House, the source; of which there are 12 components; therefore the search must be from the heart, always from Love, Wisdom and Power; therefore YOU are the machine for which you seek!!!

Well we never really know if a time traveler is in our midst. They wouldn't really wanna complicate things by telling people of the present that they're from the future. Nobody would believe them unless they have some kind of really convincing and concrete proof.

Well I think it could be due to, people in our time are very skeptic and will question things and also not believe what they hear or see and think it is not possible as well and kind of like in the eye film where Jessica alba where she get's eyes and sees things warning others of what will happen. Some believe and some don't, and does save the lives of the ones who would of died and I remember watching a indian series and one episode had a guy who sleep or day dreams and sees bad things like for instance he sees a groom robbed by the robbers and when he tells them not to go he is rebuked but when it happens than yelled at and also when he sees fire burning than he is thrown out of the village as it burns a house down. He does save a kings life, when he tells him everyone will die in the town and they do by earthquake and is rewarded but fired as he is a guard and sees these visions when sleeping while on duty.

In our ignorance they just might be sitting next to us and we don't even notice it. More, didn't you ever had a conversation, a look with someone you don't know and you felt that something more was there? So that might be the case.

Now you are leaving me confused seivtcho, why do you say time travel to the past is impossible? If we do grasp the essence of "time" we go beyond it and we manage to travel to where we want no?

I guess. The only thing is now you have to explain how there is now a dead and live version of the child in your timeline. And a missing person in the other timeline. Kidnapping is a crime.
If you saw Fringe, you could refer to that. A main character had stolen his dead son from an alternate timeline. But the science in Fringe is bullshit after all.

I have a theory that we don't see time travelers in our time just because our reality and our timeline is the MAIN timeline on wich time travels must be invented. If we invent them, there would be time travelers in our time.

Sure, if we are discussing fiction everything is possible, but in our reality time travel is possible too and I think that is more important, trying to see the reality of it instead of being entertained with fiction.

Well yes it is. But what i ment to say is when somone invent the Time machine then our timeline will be the one that begin the whole "time travel tourists". We need to begin this so we could see any Time travelers.

I believe that time travelers could not expose their position or else the people living in our time would be totally messed up. Can anyone imagine our world without time? Most people would get crazy!

Why dont they come? Because this worldline has not yet reached future and thus the time machine has still not been invented. We can only relize existence of time machine or time travelling after the time machine has been invented , not before. Because our existance is only present and now , if we did sent people to the past our memories would automatically be altered in the moment in future when time machine is created and thus it would seem pretty much normal to us. But our existance in this worldline is currently present before time machine invention and thus right now we cant really expect anyone to come to the past because future has still not have happened.

Now you are leaving me confused seivtcho, why do you say time travel to the past is impossible? If we do grasp the essence of "time" we go beyond it and we manage to travel to where we want no?
I want the time travel to the past to be true, but is it so? We can't know with certainity until we see a working time travel machine. Can we?

Only a certain amount of people are allowed to travel within 9 centuries.They are policed by time cops and have to have a license.

Imagine what would happen if you let eveybody from the future time travel.And imagine what would happen to the resources of those people in those times.If too many time travelers came back.And only a certain amount of people can talk to certain person at a a time.
