Ghost Encounters, Part 1

Mama Duck

Embracing bumbling adventures with a quack-tastic!
Halovesya posted a new blog entry

Ghost Encounters, Part 1


The topic of ghost encounters is one that elicits a variety of reactions from people. We have non-believers, pretend believers, the maybes, the who the hell cares, the believers, and the experienced. Everyone has their individual opinion, idea or belief about ghosts, the afterlife, and the “other side.”

I hope that what I am about to share with you will be met with the same respect we here at Curious Cosmos extend to everyone’s beliefs and that you'll have an open mind.

This entry is the first in a series of seven in which I will go through various encounters that I have personally experienced and other ghost related encounters. These experiences include reflections, civil war hauntings, smells, sounds, full apparitions, and movement. I will provide times, dates and locations as well. On the date of all of these encounters, I had no way of recording them or obtaining proof. Some of my encounters, however, are very similar to others for that exact location, though, which should mean something. Right? Anyway, keep an open mind and open eyes. You never know what you will encounter.

As a little girl, I remember frequently seeing translucent wisps over grass, around trees, and over the tops of buildings at night. They were only like three seconds of flashes most of the time, but I still witnessed them. When I was younger, I would ask others around me if they saw it because I did not understand what it was. Of course, no one else saw anything. When I would ask adults, I would get told that it was “all in my head,” “not real,” “just the sun/moon/fireflies”, and much more.

Eventually, I stopped mentioning this to others due to the comments I received. I kept it to myself, but still saw them for a while when I was younger. As you frequently hear, I stopped seeing these wisps as I grew older. Maybe it was because I stopped paying as much attention. Maybe I was moving too fast with everything that I did and was a part of.

It wasn’t until New Years Eve 2005 when I saw another wisp again. This was roughly eight years since I previously saw one. The exciting part of this evening was that someone else saw it as well! Let me give a little bit of background first, though.

I was at a New Years Eve party from some old high school acquaintances that I still had. Most of the people there I did not care to see again, but I tagged along anyway. I was hanging out with someone I had known since middle school and who I trusted as well as a friend of his. They all decided to smoke in the woods behind the house and asked me to go as well. Long story short... The guys smoked and eventually I was left there alone with one of them talking. I did not feel threatened by him but he was drunk, and I did not know him. This was not a smart thing to do, but I was intrigued by our philosophical conversation about the “theory of God in religions.” We talked for awhile and eventually, I started to leave, mainly because I had to pee. He decided that it was not the time for me to leave and physically forced me to stay. He assaulted me, but did not get very far because a brilliantly glowing wisp came very close to us. He noticed it, and the wisp stayed there for roughly 15 seconds (though it felt like a lifetime). The guy, likely deciding he was just seeing things because he was drunk, tried to ignore it and moved toward me again. This is when the wisp “touched” him, he freaked out and left. The wisp touched me also and was very cold on my hand. Once I was safe, the wisp disappeared, and I was able to reorient myself and left the party.

My theory is that this particular wisp was trying to protect me for some reason. The wisp had no defined features and did not have a discernable shape, either. The guy who attacked me ended up being terrified of me and no one believed him when he shared what he experienced. To this day, this guy will cross the street if we are on the same side (this actually happened about four years ago). I am very thankful for the wisp from that night. I think that wisps are lost souls that are wandering, some nice and some are not so nice. Since this night, I have not encountered many wisps. A few here and there but nothing really worth noting.

See this post on the main site.

I'm curious as to what these actually looked like... Can you find an image online that's as close to what you've seen as possible?

As a little girl, I remember frequently seeing translucent wisps over grass, around trees, and over the tops of buildings at night. They were only like three seconds of flashes most of the time, but I still witnessed them. When I was younger, I would ask others around me if they saw it because I did not understand what it was. Of course, no one else saw anything. When I would ask adults, I would get told that it was “all in my head,” “not real,” “just the sun/moon/fireflies”, and much more.
Wow, that is fascinating! Children are more sensitive to these things because they aren't yet trained to block them out. Children are clean slates.

assaulted me, but did not get very far because a brilliantly glowing wisp came very close to us. He noticed it, and the wisp stayed there for roughly 15 seconds (though it felt like a lifetime). The guy, likely deciding he was just seeing things because he was drunk, tried to ignore it and moved toward me again. This is when the wisp “touched” him, he freaked out and left. The wisp touched me also and was very cold on my hand. Once I was safe, the wisp disappeared, and I was able to reorient myself and left the party.
I think you could be seeing angels or spirit guides. Someone helped you.
Have you tried to evoke the wisps, asking to see them?
