Non-linear time, non-linear time travel (and why it's important)


Temporal Novice
Everyone here is familiar with one-dimensional, linear-based time travel. Most of you are so ingrained in that concept, along with all its seeming paradoxes, and arguments about physics; that you spend your time theorizing about time machines that would work within that asymmetrical, crippled view of time and never stop to consider that quite possibly the temporal mechanics associated with that concept could be fundamentally WRONG. ... but I'm sure the science fiction writers who write such books are making a FORTUNE off of you! Time travel physics caught up with you a LONG time ago, so stop looking for your answers in science fiction books and take a look at what REAL physicists are doing (and saying)!

Temporal mechanics is the study of the nature of time (and ultimately time travel). Contrary to what you may have read in your science fiction books it NOT a specific science or a branch of physics, but instead a branch of PHILOSOPHY. The study of temporal mechanics is something that is open to people from a variety of fields including not only physics, but mathematics, computer science and even includes consciousness studies. As lead scientist, Anthony Pittuco of "The Association of The Study of Time in Physics and Cosmology", (SASTPC) so eloquently put it "Who will rescue time from the physicists?" Over 100 years after General Relativity and 80 years after Quantum Mechanics, we still don't have Unification! Why???? Could it be that our notions of time are WRONG?

Machine based time travel may work with one-dimensional, linear time, but the human mind does NOT! Finite State Automata, which is based on non-linear math, is often used in connection to projects dealing with Artificial Intelligence; and neural networks which are used to model the human brain are also based on non-linear math.

Consciousness Studies have to do with the study of human consciousness in relationship to time and space, and most of the research is lead by a group of QUANTUM physicists, along with a couple pf medical doctors. The group of physicists includes: Dean Radin, Amit Goswami, Fred Alan Wolf, and John Hagelin (technically high energy physics) along with a few others. The prominent medical doctors working in this field include. Stuart Hameroff and Robert Lanza; who is best known for his book on "Biocentrism". For those familiar with it, you quickly think: "Who needs a time machine, when the human mind actually CREATES time and space?"

Most of the work that psions have been experimenting with, regards to time travel is connected to Scalar (Tesla based) physics, and while OK, it may not be the OPTIMAL way to do things, considering the outside practical limit for scalar based psionic time travel, (excluding the "Gibbs" device) appears to be about 2 weeks. Non-linear time travel may sound "wild and crazy", but ultimately could offer many more possibilities for PEOPLE to time travel, once you understand how it works. (I don't think it's possible for machines to do this because they are limited by Heisenberg, while strongly I suspect human consciousness is NOT). It's based on QUANTUM physics. I'll also be introducing some resources regarding current research into multi-dimensional time - YES, by REAL scientists! (which people are free to follow up on)

To illustrate, I offer up this fictional tale (along with a detailed explanation from Steve) in terms you can relate to:

You are very glad to have among your friends "Joe Linear" and "Steve Non-Linear" who each have built time machines in their garage and are both inviting you to try them out! Each machine comes equipped with a "stasis field" to keep you from interacting with the target time, and an invisibility field, to keep the machine from being seen. Each machine also comes equipped with a transparent screen so you can view what is happening and both Joe and Steve promise you a "safe trip home". (you will not "disembark")

The first week you go on over to Joe's... In Joe's machine are the controls you are accustomed to, including a chronometer, which tells you which year you are currently passing through. You both get in and Joe sets the target date to: August 2, 1971. As the machine begins its journey back through time, you see Joe's garage slowly pass through the years. First you see Joe's garage as it was last year, then the year before... and so forth..Finally, you see Joe's Garage as it was on August 2, 1971 and the chronometer says August 2, 1971. You look for a couple of minutes, then Joe reverses the controls and brings you back to the present. You thank Joe and go back home.

The next week Steve invites you to HIS garage to try out HIS machine.

"Aw come on Steve", you complain "If you've seen one time machine, you've seen them ALL, besides, I'm too exhausted from all the time traveling I did LAST week!"

Steve, (former computer science major, quantum fanatic, and returning student in philosophy; doing his dissertation on "non-linear time"), replies: "You've NEVER seen anything like this before! I promise you a VERY exciting and exotic trip!"

Reluctantly, you agree. Steve's machine looks very similar to Joe's from the outside with a few minor differences; the most notable one being a display that says "0%" in the place where the chronometer was in Joe's machine.

You both get in and again Steve sets the target date to August 2, 1971. As the machine starts up, a strange thing begins to happen.... Different parts of Steve's Garage actually start TRANSFORMING into their target date counterparts. The transformations start appearing randomly in different parts of the garage. Things that weren't there in 1971 disappear, and things that WERE, start appearing. As all of that is going on you notice that the percentage meter is slowly rising. Each time you look, the garage looks more and more like it did "back then". You see the percentage meter read 99.99% (bar). The date August 2, 1971 flashes 3 times, and you hear a small bell that sounds like a microwave timer go "ding". You've "arrived". You look for a couple of minutes, then Steve reverses the controls and brings you back to the present.

When you get back, you're not sure whether to describe your experience as "Mr. Toad's wild ride" or an acid trip! Extremely confused, you ask Steve "What IS that thing? What happened???? How does it WORK????!!!!"

Steve begins to explain: "The machine is based on principles of quantum physics and multi-dimensional time. Multi-dimensional time was first postulated by philosopher Gavin Wince. Unfortunately, although he was apparently right, he was quite a dissagreable fellow so no one paid him or his ideas any attention. Fortunately though, now a group of Russian physicists have followed up with his concepts of 3 dimensional time using mathematics developed by Roger Penrose. They are now actively conducting EXPERIMENTS that seem to indicate the existence of multi-dimensional time. There is SPACE-TIME SYMMETRY GRASSHOPPER!

The second part of that is the quantum portion. What you are seeing is the following: Each point in this multi-dimensional time is being "mapped" to a specific alternate reality, ie a different result for the collapse of the wave function (which is quite possibly reversible). You might say that you are looking at different "branches of time" that exist in these higher dimensions of time. These "branches" of time can be separated by as little as "one instant of Planck time". The % probability is the probability that the reality you are looking at matches the reality of the target time and space. You can view the machine as doing a series of "sideways micro jumps" in time using these higher dimensions of time. It's constantly adjusting itself (like a computer program). All these "other realities" already exist in the "quantum soup". All you have to do is access them. I think they are "hiding" in these dimensions of time that we are just now starting to become aware of. That's what I'm researching. The concepts of the mystics, such as: All moments in time exist simultaneously or that "Everything exists in the "NOW"" are the basic philosophical principles behind non-linear time, and tie in very nicely with quantum physics. So much so, that apparently folks like Brian Greene are talking about them. What you've just seen is the way a human mind most likely WORKS, so you've experienced time travel the way a human mind would and could do it for stretches of time outside of say.. two weeks. I don't understand it completely (which is the reason I'm working on the supporting theory), but what I DO know is that it WORKS, as I've watched my friends having these types of experiences, although on a very reduced scale and writing about them. Sometimes experience precedes theory.

Steve offers you a chair and a glass of water, while you recover from the shock and strangeness of it all. Afterwards you thank Steve and return home.

You are just describing a technology known as a "dice snake." It's an automatic mapping technology based in a very old procedure of mapping alternate realities. A lot of what you are saying is kind of off. Machines don't know that you should have picked a blue snow cone or a red snow cone, so it breaks down at some point and you realize we are just like termites blindly chewing through a piece of wood. This tech was used in the 1970's in some places. The nine position device is an example of this.

Sometimes dice snake machines are used to find left handed worlds where the sugar molecule is on the opposite side from where it is in ours. You have to go sideways for a couple of weeks in a large array machine. A lot of them are not populated by people or big animals, so its like a free world. Someone once said a way the US sometimes pays off its trade deficit is to give China machines to go to two of these left handed worlds. After a few generations the people adapt to both types of sugars and move out to populate the whole thing.

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You are just describing a technology known as a "dice snake."
Where is it? Are there any papers written? How come we've never heard of it?

very old procedure of mapping alternate realities
WOW! That's VERY exciting news! I've only heard of scientists possibly finding alternate realities in higher dimensions in an experiment that was done I believe at CERN several months ago. But THIS! This is EXCITING! Where is the documentation about this? I'm afraid I've never heard of these "dice snakes" and apparently Google hasn't either! I'd settle for ANYTHING! Conspiracy video.... ANYTHING!

I am interested in hearing more about this non-linear time traveling method.
Remember, this is about PEOPLE and NOT machines. If you want to find out more about "Consciousness Studies", I recommend watching the movie What the Bleep, and Googling the names I've mentioned. Regarding people jumping realities, it's extremely well documented, most notably by a woman named Cynthia Sue Larson who has written no less than 4 books about about it including some best sellers!From a skills perspective, it's quite difficult to "tame the quantum monster". They say that "rolling the quantum dice" is a crap shoot, but it's actually much worse than that, because you don't even know how many SIDES the dice have. First, you have to start EXPERIENCING the alternate realities and KNOW that you are doing so, without doubting your own sanity. It takes PRACTICE and many "side jumps", before you finally learn to control it. Keeping a POSITIVE attitude, along with an OPEN mind is essential. It helps greatly to use the "Law of Attraction"

Once you've mastered basic reality shifting, there are several things that you do in addition to standard LOA practices in order to do this. I never said it was EASY, or that it wouldn't be time consuming and demand DEDICATION. The best example I can give is of a woman on a LOA forum, who independently of what I was teaching and talking about was actually doing that VERY thing. Her goal was to "go back in time" ten years to her college days and she was applying the techniques. Her physical environment began to CHANGE. Things from her past, started appearing out of nowhere.... a song... a paper...I have no doubt that she succeeded, because she left the forum and we never heard from her again.

The purpose of my posting was to introduce people to the concept of non-linear time, in the way I felt it would be easiest for people to understand it. The fact that consciousness creates reality is mainstream physics, and that people are already jumping realities and time traveling small amounts is already well documented. It's not my job to rehash old information with you.

People don't like to have their dogmas challenged and be forced into new ways of thinking, particularly when they have been burned and DISINFOED, until they are jaded. There is an old saying that you shouldn't try to teach a pig to sing, because it wastes your time and annoys the pig. I certainly hope that isn't the case here.

You know, I'm going to talk about this too much more right now. To ask why some very specific technique or idea that was used to work out a problem in an area of gray, mostly secret science has never been widely heard of is a weird question to ask.

I'm just going to say that it mapped out an area of inter dimensional space, and it seems to have a whole field of application beyond that. In the future, I will talk now and again about some of this stuff as I feel like it. It would be great if I was never bothered again by anybody trying to mess around, but I'm pretty sure people will keep messing around and so stuff will continue to slip out. Even if its partly wrong, I'm pretty sure some of it can be worked out and tested. And it will keep people talking, or just prove how the universe works a little more.

So this method of time travel you propose leads me to believe that you're actually saying that hallucinations can manifest themselves into reality. And that mearly thinking on a subject or event in your personal life will bring synchronicity to you. Sounds more like a schizophrenics delusion than time travel to me. No I don't doubt the study of consciousness, as its something I think every individual should be interested in, but to say that one can simply manifest themselves into another timestream is pseudoscience at best. Consciousness is a subject that is still being studied. We barely know anything about it much less why we have it in the first place. Your method of time travel is flawed. The mind is very dangerous territory and you should be careful not to confuse hallucinations/delusions with a subjective reality.

I've never read a post that sounds so delusional while telling someone else that they are delusional.

This tech is out there. It is either trying to grow itself into as many time lines as it can or it is being used and then taken back once the purpose of the travel has been achieved. One of the frightening aspects of it is that it is used against people just to waste their time and prevent them from doing something important with their lives.
