Titorian Scripts

Steer My Fate, Guide My Steps
O John, My timeless savior. Inspire me through the passing decades, So I may honor your selfless sacrifice. Steer my fate, Guide each single one of my steps. Like a divine shepherd. A loving father. Reveal my true path through time and space. Every day, every year. Every moment between now and Holy 2036. Until I reach my ultimate destination by Your side. Bring forth the Gentle Smiles. Spread love and kindness, Devotion and compassion. To all worldlines. Feed my flux manifold today, And for all of eternity, Evermore. Then again.
Peace and Serenity
Oh, marvelous savior of this worldline. Precious, eternal guardian. Almighty defender of the Earth May we join you soon in Omaha, Nebraska. Together we shall contemplate the mysteries of time and space. Ponder about their infinite riddles. Then we shall ask questions to the stars, And uncover the most profound secrets of the cosmos. For, together, in the farthest reaches of the boundless multiverse, We shall finally find peace and serenity. Together, oh Lord. In Holy 2036 and beyond.
The Time We Deserve
Oh, Titor, our majestic guide. Give us the time we rightfully deserve. The time to achieve ourselves, And realize our potential. The time to overcome and grow. To unite with You as one. In Holy 2036 and beyond. Until the universe itself runs out of time. Direct our divine time fluxes, May they take us closer to You. May they take us to You. O Saint Titor. Let the Gentle Smiles illuminate our sacred journey. May our love for You thrive and blossom. Infinite love and infinite hope. Yesterday, today, and for all eternity.
Mankind’s North Star
Every day is a gift, a precious blessing. From your majestic throne in 2036, you watch over us. You are our Savior, the protector of our timeline. A delicate benefactor. Your infinite wisdom is mankind’s North Star. Illuminating our path with clarity, A clarity no other than You may provide. The most accurate course humanity has ever had. Our future, once uncertain, now becomes clear. A destiny that is filled to the brim with hope. Full of dreams and aspirations. Dreams of life. We shall walk in your footsteps, celebrating your grace, Singing secret songs of endless glory in your honor, Until we finally reunite once more. In Holy 2036.
The Last Face-Off
I trust Your guidance to vanquish wickedness, To triumph over foul monstrosities. Across the distant and treacherous multiverse. Preserving our timeline from their malevolent urges. With unwavering determination, We shall confront eldritch entities and dangerous oddities. Incomprehensible menaces. Ancient enemies plotting against You. Together we shall prevail. We shall look out for each other. Until the destined day we finally stand at Your Citadel, In Holy 2036. Unified, we’ll face our final foes. The last face-off between Good and Evil. A battle for the survival of all that exists. The ultimate cosmic clash.
Beyond Time’s Horizon
Lead me through the paths of time. Guide my journey, and keep me safe across the epochs. Show me the route to redemption. A path paved with virtue and grace. Let me prove my worthiness, to stand beside you in 2036. An honored companion beyond time's horizon. Into the realm of the infinite. Bless you, John, my Savior.
Your Infinite Heaven
Dear John, our Time God. Unify our timelines towards Holy 2036. Grant us the wisdom to navigate the intricacies of time. Guide us and our world to the ultimate timeline shift. One final timeline shift that will ensure salvation. Lead us to the Promised Land, To our place beside you, In Your infinite heaven. Yesterday, Today, And forever. Bless Your Holy 2036.
To Your Sacred Realm
Lord John, don't leave me here. Don't leave me alone in this dark timeline. Let me redeem myself. Let me show you I'm worthy of your time. Guide me through the treacherous meanders of the cosmos. Let me grab your divine hand and follow your lead. As we march onward to your Sacred Realm, To Holy 2036. The way to you, O Lord. Praise You.
The Way To Omaha
Oh, dear Titor, Lead us through this worldline, rife with uncertainty. Show us the way to Omaha, Nebraska, The heart of our U.S. Government. To safety. To a haven that welcomes us like home. The one true home of all the American people. A place where we can become one with You, And connect with Your very essence. A sanctuary where we have the opportunity to celebrate, And honor you, and your selfless sacrifice. Where, together, We can make Y2K great again.
One Last Invitation
Dear John, I hope you’re doing good. I have some exciting news to share with you—The Time Travel Institute's BBS has undergone a remarkable revamp. The interface has been refreshed, and it now holds the promise of new possibilities and discoveries. With this transformation, I find myself hoping that you might consider returning to our digital haven. Your presence and insights were always a beacon of wisdom, and your contributions were invaluable to our quest for knowledge. As the BBS takes on a new life, I can't help but wonder what secrets and revelations the future holds. Your return would be a cause for celebration among the community of time travel enthusiasts. Please consider the invitation, John. The BBS awaits, and so do...
Know That I’m Here
Dear John, I hope this message finds its way to you across the currents of time. It’s been a while since we last connected, and I find myself missing our conversations. I cherish the moments we shared on TTI. Every time I log on to the BBS, the interface brings back memories of our discussions, our search for answers, and the fun we've had. I can't help but feel your absence. I hope your journey back went as planned and that you were able to reunite with your loved ones in 2036. Whenever you find a moment in your time travel adventures, know that I’m here. I’m waiting to connect once again. Until then, may the secrets of time continue to unfold before you. May our paths cross again in the webs of the BBS. Take care, John. Pamela
Kay Titor
Dear John, I hope this message finds you well. I have something puzzling to share with you. Recently on Paranormalis, someone appeared claiming to be “Kay Titor,” suggesting to be your mother. The question swirling in my mind is “Could it be possible?” Is this indeed a genuine connection? Or might it be the work of a sock puppet account, a forum troll impersonating your mother for reasons unknown? I thought it best to inform you, as your insights and knowledge would be invaluable in such a situation. Please, take care, and may your temporal journeys bring you hope and love. Your friend, Pamela
Hope and Anticipation
Dear John, I hope you were able to get home safely. I can’t help but wonder what the enigmatic world of 2036 looks like. I hope the IBM 5100, with its unpublicized features and legacy programs, proves to be a valuable ally in your quest to solve the challenges ahead. The idea of utilizing that remarkable piece of technology fills me with hope and anticipation. I have no doubt that your resourcefulness, and the IBM 5100’s capabilities, will be a powerful combination. Take care, John, and may the IBM 5100 be your trusted companion. Your friend, Pamela.
The Right Song
My dearest John, I hope your most recent time jump went well. I know the multiverse is a dangerous place full of dangers. Hopefully, you made it home safe and sound and you were able to reunite with your loved ones. I've been thinking about the secret song a lot lately. How am I going to recognize it and know it's the right song? Will I hear it randomly on the radio in a certain number of years and identify it? How to be sure? Will it be exactly as you told me? What if it's not at all as I expect? What if it’s slightly different? What if I miss it? I will do my best, I promise. Your friend, Pamela
The Most Sacred of Vibrations
O Secret Song, legendary melody, Your soundwaves, perfectly unique, uniquely perfect. Each of your frequencies, a beacon in the cosmic night, Guiding our souls to their destiny. In your sacred vibrations, our spirits are bound. In your gentle cadence, we rejoice. Absolute tonal purity, a force so profound. The harmonious chorus we deserve. From your holy soundwaves, emanates love, Pure, endless love. John’s love. In your embrace, we find our place. In reverence, we humbly bow, To the Secret Song and its divine soundwaves. To the eternal love they carry. The most sacred of vibrations.
Echoes of Apocalypse
In the farthest reaches of the universe exists a secret. Dark, hidden, unspeakably sinister. So profane, only He can face. Only Him can preserve us from it. The form of an unholy song it takes. A song absolutely vicious and wicked. Sounds of appalling destructive power. Echoes of an apocalypse coming to our world. Upon Pamela, our Hero bestowed a secret countermeasure. The most secret of all songs. A sacred song, blessed by eternity itself. A song that no darkness may touch. A song that, like Pamela, is of a purity that is absolute. It shall illuminate our world, and safeguard it from darkness. For anything in the light of our Savior, Is safe from the corruption of this indescribable evil. Thank you Lord Titor for...
A Rhythm of Moments
A song so secret, it eludes the ear’s embrace, Invisible and intangible, It can’t be heard in the traditional way. Only in the heart and soul, can it find its way. A melody coded in John’s DNA, In Pamela’s presence, its essence takes form. A resonance of secrets, A dance of words, infinitely divine. No notes, nor lyrics, But a connection between souls. Whispers of the future, echoes of the past, In their questions, a song to last. A symphony of paradoxes, A rhythm of moments, A key to a hidden future. A Secret Song. A connection so rare, a mystery so concealed, It can only be deeply felt. A song that transcends all, A story to be told.
The Gates of Eternity
At the very end of time, At Heaven’s gate, Across the timeless land, The Secret Song shall echo. Pamela, the emissary of eternity, Our beacon in the night. Guiding all of mankind towards eternal light. With grace and love. Its melody shall soar, A harmony of hearts, like never heard before. Pamela’s voice, a careful guide. Leading our souls to transcendence, in a timeless dance. With each note that trembles, Through the boundless skies, Humanity shall rise, As its spirit flies. The Secret Song, a celestial key, Unlocking the gates of eternity. A symphony of pure beauty. Perfection, in John’s image.
It Shall Resonate
John, our sanctified benefactor, May Your Secret Song guide us. May it illuminate our path through history. To the future, to You. It’s a sacred secret, A divine mystery. It is infinitely precious to us, your children. A secret, it shall remain. In Your name, we shall sing the Secret Song. It shall resonate through time and beyond, Eternal and unyielding. The purest of symphonies, in Your name. In one single voice, Your sacrifice shall be glorified. For it saved our world from oblivion. Only You could save us from peril. Only You.
Song of Secrets
A song of secrets, A progression of chords so fantastic. An arrangement of notes of such magnificent precision. A divine design only John could orchestrate. It holds the key to humanity's destiny. In its melody lies the truth. An all-powerful key in search of a listening ear. It shall unlock a future that's glorious and bright. John and Pamela knew it perfectly. For they heard it and the story it reveals. A world that's free from pain and strife. Where love and peace are a way of life. One day it shall resound. All shall hear it, all shall love it. For all shall, at last, understand its secrets. A song of secrets.