Are we living in a virtual reality?

After they defeated the humans the robots would have been far better off by constructing solar power plants if they couldn’t think to use the hydroelectric plants. With no humans to house, feed, care for and provide a VR reality to their energy needs would be a small fraction of The Matrix world. All that time, effort and resources spent by the humans only to output mentally challenged machines.
Re-reading this, makes me realize that the robots must spend an incredible amount of power just to keep things running and keep the humans alive. Can you imagine all the infrastructure in place? Like… many, many times… multiple levels of magnitude more power than what humans would realistically produce.



Imagine the power all this stuff requires. It’s beyond imagination! In other words, it takes more power to keep a human alive in a Jell-o pod and to maintain it, than the power this human will ever produce! That’s interesting.

So if we ‘supposedly’ living in a simulation, coul we do pause, rewind or forward?
How did you jump into? Can you provide some details?
Well, it depends if you have administrator privileges! Jokes aside, it all depends on how the system is made, and what’s its architecture. It’s pretty hard to decipher when you’re in it, though, huge challenge right there.

Let’s consider we do live in a simulation. How are you going to decipher the rules, the constants, the limits, and the shortcomings of said simulation? Laws of physics are a thing. fine. But when it comes to flaws, good luck. It’s like looking for ways to hack the simulation, so to speak. How do you do it?

For instance, you might be looking for a way to slip between the cracks of the simulation and move to another reality. Okay, how do you do this? You’re like a dog in a cage, looking for a way to escape between the bars of its cage. Laws of physics make the cage a serious obstacle…
Imagine the power all this stuff requires. It’s beyond imagination! In other words, it takes more power to keep a human alive in a Jell-o pod and to maintain it, than the power this human will ever produce! That’s interesting.
Well, it depends if you have administrator privileges! Jokes aside, it all depends on how the system is made, and what’s its architecture. It’s pretty hard to decipher when you’re in it, though, huge challenge right there.
like sudo su apt-get GOD Mode on! :: ::
Let’s consider we do live in a simulation. How are you going to decipher the rules, the constants, the limits, and the shortcomings of said simulation? Laws of physics are a thing. fine. But when it comes to flaws, good luck. It’s like looking for ways to hack the simulation, so to speak. How do you do it?
I admit it’s not as simple as in the truman show.
For instance, you might be looking for a way to slip between the cracks of the simulation and move to another reality. Okay, how do you do this? You’re like a dog in a cage, looking for a way to escape between the bars of its cage. Laws of physics make the cage a serious obstacle…
But I think this team is up to something
Klee Irwin - Are We In A Simulation? - Full Series - YouTube

I would love to hear your opinion on this.
You had me scared me for a moment, I thought I posted in French. It’s my first language. If it’s possible for you, we’d appreciate it if you could quote the English content instead so that the discussion remains 100% readable for English speakers, at all times.

Yeah, a God mode would certainly help. But think about it, the powers Neo had in The Matrix are similar to a God mode, right? Or akin to cheat codes, don’t you think? It makes me think of the Noclip mode in Doom. A cheat code that allows you to move through walls. It certainly defies the laws of physics of the game!

I’ve added this video to my Watch Later list. I’ll watch it when I have a chance. Did it contain anything that blew your mind, or redefined how you understand things?

I’ll make sure to share what I think when I watch it.
@Num7 sorry, I’ve translated few of them with an extension and probably mixed myself with.
Fixed now.
But think about it, the powers Neo had in The Matrix are similar to a God mode, right? Or akin to cheat codes, don’t you think?
Yeah I also believe as you say.
No worries, it’s just so that everyone can enjoy the discussion as much as we do.

Have you watched the Why Files episode on this topic? It was awesome and contained a concept I had never thought about before. Namely, the double-slit experiment. It blew my mind when I watched it a couple of weeks ago.

Here it is:

It’s worth a watch, especially for the double-slit experiment part. It’s at about 15 minutes.
Ok, it was stunning, really interesting, i liked theses parts

@ The evidence we are living in a Simulation is everywhere. All you have to do is look. - YouTube and The evidence we are living in a Simulation is everywhere. All you have to do is look. - YouTube that’s remind me , i knew about the double slit experiment last year, that’s related to the string theory

We are living a really interesting times about science and humanity, everything is accelerating, really fast; it is troubling.
I agree that it’s stunning. I don’t know much about strings theory,.so I can’t comment much, outside of saying it’s wild.

I love that kind of stuff, it makes us question the limits of our own reality and how it’s made, how it works.

Awesome stuff.
Yes, it appears that we are living in a virtual reality where time is nonlinear, and gravity is computer code for starters
Can you share more as to what makes you believe this? I’m curious and intrigued to read your ideas and arguments on that matter. 🙂
Sure, my research seems to indicate that hyper-dimensional extraterrestrial beings who live outside time created the software of our shared virtual universe. It looks like we see into the universe and our real selves exist outside space-time. You might say the holographic universe is created in our minds, which is projected outward which we see with the eyes of our minds. The simulated reality of the earth is our base line virtual reality. These beings that created us also exist in hyper-time. As you know, Time is relative to the observer. You might say from the perspective of these hyper-dimensional extraterrestrial beings, humans are just one step above a 2 dimensional cartoon character. Puny humans, huh? But we have great potential.
So, in many ways, we’d be like cartoons to them. Like our characters when we’re playing The Sims. That’s an interesting take.

I like it that you consider these beings, to be from someplace like hyperspace/hypertime, in which time - and perhaps space - doesn’t behave, work, or mean the same. I think it would make sense that they’d force upon us, their creating, rules that are more restrictive than their own.
As far as I know, the only thing that exists in this reality is information. Information is eternal. We are here to learn how to love these hyper-dimensional beings and other people. Relationships are all that really matter as things are just digital objects in a virtual simulation. We are co-creators with these beings of our reality, so we need to co-create with them, wisely? How would anyone learn the difference between positive and negative behavior and consequences without the wisdom that come from these beings? As someone said, Free-Will is a b!t3h?
Unfortunately the young man in the video “All You Have to do is Look” got it wrong. When he describes the double slit experiment and says, “For years scientists assumed the electrons were colliding with each other…But in the 60’s…” Wrong. Completely wrong.

The double slit experiment was first proposed by Thomas Young in 1801 as an experimental method of resolving whether light was either made of particles of waves. Yes, over a hundred years before quantum mechanics was first formulated classical physicists had discovered that light can act as both particle and wave and had even come up with an elegant experiment to resolve the issue. In 1927 Davisson and Germer showed that electrons also showed the same characteristics as photons. This resulted in the proof that photon and electron behaved as neither waves nor particles. The best description is they behave like photons and electrons and have no valid classical description.

If he got that much wrong there’s no reason for me to look much further. It’s an internet YouTube video on a YouTube channel that describes itself as follows:
The Why Files is a channel for people who are fascinated (obsessed) with mysteries, myths, legends and conspiracies. We tell stories, seek the truth, and have a few laughs along the way.
A YouTube channel that specializes, in it’s own words, in conspiracy theories over which it’s going to have a few laughs isn’t the sort of source material that’s going to convince me the universe we live in is a computer sim. Know what I mean?
If we are in a simulation we might assume that the space we are in corresponds to some real location. Maybe then (or in some other case) it is more efficient if they collect information/analytics at specific times rather than continuously. When we are asleep is a good time for that. The brain is actively functioning during sleep. It might be even more efficient if our own brains did the analytics and summarizing on a day of existing, before being sent to them. Dreams could even be explained by transmission noise, information clashing with the surrounding environment and other people to make interference. People that dream a lot, people that claim to be mystics and everything magical, their transmission lines are not so clear, so there is a lot of interference.
I like to think that our most wild dreams that are unrelated to our lives, come from alternate versions of ourselves, existing in other realities. Or, with regard to this discussion, from other versions of our simulation.

That’s pretty wild when you think about it.
If he got that much wrong there’s no reason for me to look much further. It’s an internet YouTube video on a YouTube channel that describes itself as follows:
Okay I understand, but then?
A YouTube channel that specializes, in it’s own words, in conspiracy theories over which it’s going to have a few laughs isn’t the sort of source material that’s going to convince me the universe we live in is a computer sim. Know what I mean?
Yeah but This forum isn’t about much more than mystery and stuff like that, that s isn’t a true scientific one? Or am I wrong!?
The Why Files guy doesn’t claim to know everything there is to know or to detain absolute truth.

Like most of us, he does his research online. Then he makes videos. He’s very good at it and I think the information he delivers to us is pretty good. But in the end, it’s still entertainment. It’s supposed to be both informative, interesting and fun.

Most, if not all of his videos are very good at rounding up a subject and visiting all of its different nuances. But in the end, it’s up to us to decide what’s true and what’s not. What to believe…

TTI welcomes discussions about time travel and all strange phenomena. Based on science or not. We do encourage common sense and science, but we’re also open - and excited - to discuss the weirdest, craziest theories and stories out there. 🧙
Yeah, thanks for severing

Anyway, science will never have all the answers, especially with regard to the paranormal and fortunately for that matter because if we explained all the mysteries of our existence, life would be boring to die.
I agree, life would be boring if we had all the answers.

Paranormal, time travel and all weird subjects naturally captivate us. They prompt a sense of wonder and discovery. Learning and understanding the unknown is an amazing sensation.

Love it!