CERN Norway What is happening?

Read this about the spiral:

" More than likely say experts, it was a Russian missile. While the Russian Defense Ministry would not comment, the circumstantial evidence is mounting that this is what a spiraling rocket jettisoning fuel looks like. "

However, I have to agree with Twighlight...the beam of light coming from the ground is suspicious.

Or perhaps someone got their Merkabah and/or time machine working and we are seeing the results of them transversing between time and space.
Latest claim is that it was an out of control Russian missile.

Hmm....I tend to agree with Nick Pope ( who has quite a long track record on UFO reports ) in what he said on Sky News...

"I'm sceptical that this is an out-of-control missile. A missile might go into a spin, but I doubt it would be so symmetrical.

"Additionally, someone in the area would almost certainly have found debris by now.

"Finally, there are usually ways of destroying a missile that malfunctions. To me, this theory doesn't hold water."
Gotta disagree with you on this one, Twighlight:
Hmm....I tend to agree with Nick Pope ( who has quite a long track record on UFO reports ) in what he said on Sky News...

Nick Pope is a publicity hound. I do not appreciate his track record of using emotional arguments for UFOs.

"I'm sceptical that this is an out-of-control missile. A missile might go into a spin, but I doubt it would be so symmetrical.

That is way too general of a conclusion/doubt. First, it depends on if the control system was completely open-loop or if it continued trying to close its guidance loop in the face of a failure. Guidance and control laws are purposefully symmetric with respect to their desired flight path and the feedback they use to stabilize on that path. Missiles are even more aerodynamically symmetrical than airplanes (they have both X-Y and X-Z symmetry, whereas airplanes only have X-Z symmetry). Oscillatory malfunctions in aerospace vehicles are the most common from a standpoint of not being able to detect them readily. A thrust vector controller for a missle gimbals the exhaust nozzle in both the X-Y and X-Z planes to control the flight path. But the total zone of travel for a thrust vector controller makes the shape of a cone. Guess what pattern the flight path would take if the thrust vector controller experienced an oscillatory failure? Yep...spiral.

"Additionally, someone in the area would almost certainly have found debris by now.

"Finally, there are usually ways of destroying a missile that malfunctions. To me, this theory doesn't hold water."

These could both be true, but while they are necessary they are not sufficient to show that it was not a missile. Russians do NOT have all the flight termination regulations for their operational ranges that we do in the west. Since weight is a premium for any vehicle headed into space, I can easily see the Russkies skimping and saving payload weight performance by omitting a flight termination system...especially if they have convinced themselves of solid performance with a given vehicle on many past launches.

Bottom line: Nick is pissing in the wind, and you cannot remove the possibility of an errant missile just yet. You need evidence of some sort that points to something else as a higher probability.

If this not a hoax... could this spiral by CERN related?

I don't see how. Norway is not really next door to Geneva. I need to find some info on what the "flight path" (direction/heading) was for this event. If it was moving in any kind of southerly direction, the odds of it being a polar launch from a Russian launch site are very high.

Do you have any kind of scientific argument you could make to suggest it would be CERN-related? I am willing to entertain them, but I cannot think of a single reason.

The following link has a still of it, and apparently the beam of light was not coming from the ground, but eminating from the whatever was creating the spiral.

Yep. Here is a pic of what sunset launches from Vandenberg Air Force Base often look like. I know you remember some of these awesome light shows, Kerr!


Yes, I do remember those light shows.

That's the first thing that came to mind when the reports of this event broke out last night.

There is a theory coming to light that it could possibly be a natural occurance, as well.

These spiral effects have been seen in the ancient past as carved in rock as Petroglyphs by numerous cultures.

Petroglyph Spirals

Either explaination, kind of puts some of the other more "creative" explainations to the wayside.
I don't see how. Norway is not really next door to Geneva. I need to find some info on what the "flight path" (direction/heading) was for this event. If it was moving in any kind of southerly direction, the odds of it being a polar launch from a Russian launch site are very high.

See here:


There are too many variables to list that as of yet havent been applied to this Norway Spiral event.

It seems to me that there are numerous "natural" events that as yet havent been explained. All kinds of light's and unusual natural formations and/or events that are created by the combination of specific elements, at just the right time, with just the right ingredients.

The conditions may have been just right for the missle launch to set off a series of occurances, partly from the rocket gone awry, partly from the time of the event, partly from atmospheric conditions, partly from solar activity, all combining to produce this particular event.

BTW: Your posted image showing the trajectory of a missle launch is of a "normal" launch, and in no way depicts the path of a missle in a state of failure. IF the propulsion system of a rocket fails and is not operating properly, who knows what its flight path would be ?
BTW: Your posted image showing the trajectory of a missle launch is of a "normal" launch, and in no way depicts the path of a missle in a state of failure. IF the propulsion system of a rocket fails and is not operating properly, who knows what its flight path would be ?


if the missile fail!, it will derive from a normal path in an angle from the normal path...

but the 3_phase was in or out in the Atmosphere of Earth, went get wrong... /ttiforum/images/graemlins/confused.gif

in both cases far away from Norway!
RMT, a buddy of mine posted this pic which dramatically demonstrates the failure you mentioned. He sent it to me after I showed him the 'dawn launch' picture you posted. It's a spiral all right! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

RMT, a buddy of mine posted this pic which dramatically demonstrates the failure you mentioned. He sent it to me after I showed him the 'dawn launch' picture you posted. It's a spiral all right!

Heh. Maybe I do know a thing or two about flight control of aerospace vehicles? But it seems recall thinks he knows more than I do. Yet he simply hides his ignorance with feigned poor english. Not fooling me.

if the missile fail!, it will derive from a normal path in an angle from the normal path...

Care to show me your 6-DOF analysis, so I don't have to interpret your fake poor english?

but the 3_phase was in or out in the Atmosphere of Earth, went get wrong...

in both cases far away from Norway!

Try again, oh space-faring wizard?

In reply to:
if the missile fail!, it will derive from a normal path in an angle from the normal path...

Care to show me your 6-DOF analysis, so I don't have to interpret your fake poor english?

In reply to:
but the 3_phase was in or out in the Atmosphere of Earth, went get wrong...

in both cases far away from Norway!

Try again, oh space-faring wizard?

what in the World this Thread has to do to Timetravel?

if i were mod i will move to Real Science...and show some math there...

:D :D :D