I am a Time Traveler from 2026.

It's a bit like sending a wave down a piece of wire. You don't need to know where the other end is to know that it will respond if you shake this end.

There is an assumption built-into your belief. I wonder if you are clever enough to state it outright? If you are, then you will see your statement is limited by the assumption.

At last... a physicist has finally arrived who knows all the answers! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/devil.gif

Once again, it doesn't work that way. Whatever a time traveller does in THIS timeline will already have happened - prior to the device even being used. If a time traveller were to meet the request, it would generate a post in another timeline. So I guess someone somewhere would be impressed. But given that there's an infinite number of timelines...you could wait quite a long time for such evidence in this one.

Can you cite your peer-reviewed physics paper that gives us all the answers (and proof that it works as you suggest)?

Can you cite your peer-reviewed physics paper that gives us all the answers (and proof that it works as you suggest)?
His peers all reviewed it but they're stuck in a parallel world unable to tell us about it. :D
" There is an assumption built-into your belief. I wonder if you are clever enough to state it outright? "

The assumption is that the 'message' is sent to a device that already exists in the current time. The device that sends the message, and the device that receives, are one and the same.
The assumption is that the 'message' is sent to a device that already exists in the current time. The device that sends the message, and the device that receives, are one and the same.

Incorrect, and not general enough (from a physical perspective of sending a mechanical wave). Let's review your statement:

It's a bit like sending a wave down a piece of wire. You don't need to know where the other end is to know that it will respond if you shake this end.

The assumption is that the other end is somehow "inertially grounded" (i.e. connected to something that provides resistance). Were it not, then you cannot be sure it would respond at all. In fact, it could just dissipate your shaking action. This is what leads to a bifurcation of presumptions:

A) The other end is not fixed to some inertial reference that provides resistance to give you a "response" on your end.
B) There is "no one home" at the other end.

" Incorrect "

Lol...says who ? Do you actually READ what I am writing before you casually dismiss out of hand ?

The concept of frame dragging within a device is just one method by which a transmission could be sent TO THE SAME DEVICE across a time period.....without having to 'know' the co-ordinates in space and time.

Ron Mallet's proposed device may be on par with cold fusion, but in principle it has been known for quite some time that frame dragging could be used for a time machine. Indeed, one could argue that such devices already exist in the form of rotating black holes.
Zeshua! We meet again! You haven't met me YET, but you will in the future, or shall I, say, when you go to the past! When you see me, tell me not to go on the train. I will now what you mean. :D
The Following are all events that will shortly come to pass. In your immediate futures. I will not give dates for these events, and although these may seem rather generic statements I assure you they are founded in reality based on fact. In the small chance that the posting of this information changes the outcome of the events, I see no way in which the events depicted would unfold "That much" differently than in my history.

- A Pre-emptive strike occurs between two war bound countries in Europe/Asia.

In today's news:

"Israel will launch a pre-emptive strike against Iran's nuclear program if the West does not reach a deal with the Islamic Republic on uranium enrichment, France's foreign minister has warned."


Now I understand Twillight.

This is from their first post (well technically second, but since it was in response to their first I'll call it first as well...)

Another point of confusion is the request of people for time travellers to send posts back into the past of 'now'....so somehow a post appears dated 2008 or something.

Once again, it doesn't work that way. Whatever a time traveller does in THIS timeline will already have happened - prior to the device even being used. If a time traveller were to meet the request, it would generate a post in another timeline. So I guess someone somewhere would be impressed. But given that there's an infinite number of timelines...you could wait quite a long time for such evidence in this one.

Once again, it doesn't work that way.

Aha how foolish of us...
400 some odd posts and the newest is no different than the first...let's talk simple psychology analytics?
Not challenging RMT anymore though huh?
I've been kicking around this site since what year?
'Betcha get it wrong

Yes, I saw this post when they posted it. I did not reply to it at the time because there is a serious problem with what they are suggesting. I figure I might as well address it now:

Once again, it doesn't work that way. Whatever a time traveller does in THIS timeline will already have happened - prior to the device even being used. If a time traveller were to meet the request, it would generate a post in another timeline.

By giving this lame (and unfalsifiable) response, they stepped into a load of dog crap without even knowing it. If, as they proclaim, this is how it works, then by necessity they wipe-away the entire Titor concept of "divergence" and they are, in essence, saying that there is no way to ensure divergence is "sufficiently small" to say that the timeline they travel back to is "close enough to this timeline that for all intents and purposes they are the same."

Get it? In their claim that "it doesn't work this way" they are defacto stating that a time traveler cannot measure (and therefore control) the divergence between the timeline they are on, and the timeline they wish to be on. Titor's entire TT premise falls apart... Buh-bye, Johnny boy! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/devil.gif They cannot have it both ways. If they were then to claim "no THAT is not how it works" then they would have to claim they could control divergence, meaning they COULD travel back to the past (on THIS timeline we are on right now) and post a post that would meet my test.

Now cue recall15 to come in and pretend to offer an explanation which he not only does not understand himself, but which has logical fallacy at its very basis.
I understand your point.

I was just speculating it's easy for anyone to say "you're wrong" without finding the real answer.

I'm still waiting for Twillight to come up with an original thought, then he's fair game.
That's just not why he's here.
I've done my research and read his posts.

At least you have duality in your scepticism - there's dangers in some thoughts and I've learned from you in what you contribute.

Contribute is a key word, even if it's just a thought /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

It takes courage for some people to share their minds and hope to expand an idea,
that's the least of my concerns, I'm used to criticism, especially with my form of communication.
I've seen most of the people here that question the unfounded - also encourage just as well...
you included to say the least.

That is in my opinion a great thing, then there's others.

Twillight is "an addict" - in a few months, by way of tearing to shreds every post and posting only what is proven..."yay".

I'll stop thinking and wait to see what he's got.
I feel the need to be enlightened.
Now cue recall15 to come in and pretend to offer an explanation which he not only does not understand himself, but which has logical fallacy at its very basis.

The Explanation is that Raymond was Right in it!!!
and all in all he said here in this board is Right...

Specially the included quoted text above!!!


LOLOL!!! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
I'm still waiting for Twillight to come up with an original thought, then he's fair game.

Lol ! Anyone can have 'original' thoughts.....if the truth is not a criteria for them. Even the leprechauns at the end of my garden know that.
I was just speculating it's easy for anyone to say "you're wrong" without finding the real answer.

As Rainman said elsewhere.....the onus is on the person making a claim to demonstrate that they are correct, not on the person denying it to prove they are wrong. By the same token, stating that something is wrong does not come with any proviso that one has to give the 'right' answer. Being unable, or unwilling, to provide the real answer has no bearing whatever on the validity or otherwise of any claim. If something is wrong then it is just plain wrong. Period.
A Pre-emptive strike occurs between two war bound countries in Europe/Asia.

Former U.S. Major General Paul Vallely speaking:

“It’s heating up very, very quickly… we have very definitive and confirmed information that Iran is actually planning some type of preemptive attack against Israel to offset an Israeli preemptive attack against Iran. My own feeling is that Iran already has the nuclear weapons… We just received word that a Soviet submarine with an Iranian flag docked in Beirut over a week ago… We know about Hezbollah locking down tight Lebanon just in the last ten days… The internet has been locked down – very tightly controlled… Also, anybody associated with any Israeli will be jailed or assassinated… I call the summer of 2010 the tipping point of the Middle East - this can change the whole chessboard over there… That’s why I say the summer of 2010 is pivotal – it can change the whole world. This is a whole different order of magnitude that we’re talking about… That’s why it’s so serious, that’s why we’ve got to get the word out.”

"And then in 2010 everything changed."
- Zeshua
The Following are all events that will shortly come to pass. In your immediate futures. I will not give dates for these events, and although these may seem rather generic statements I assure you they are founded in reality based on fact. In the small chance that the posting of this information changes the outcome of the events, I see no way in which the events depicted would unfold "That much" differently than in my history.

- A Pre-emptive strike occurs between two war bound countries in Europe/Asia.
- 2 Federal buildings are completely destroyed.
- A Sudden outbreak of influenza.
- The Patriot Act ends up in court, its powers used to spy on civilians "For their own good"
- A 3rd becomes next.
- A Massive Financial meltdown that puts the Euro as the preferred Global Currency. Repercussions abound to the almighty US Dollar.
- A New form of computer virus programmed by a small team of individuals sweeps the globe within 24 hours.
- The Telluride Occurrence

There is more I wish to say but it cannot be stated in public forums.

Gathered at the G8 Summit in Ottawa, world leaders now “fully believe” and are “worried” that a preemptive attack by Israel on Iran is inevitable.
The Following are all events that will shortly come to pass. In your immediate futures. I will not give dates for these events, and although these may seem rather generic statements I assure you they are founded in reality based on fact. In the small chance that the posting of this information changes the outcome of the events, I see no way in which the events depicted would unfold "That much" differently than in my history.

- A Pre-emptive strike occurs between two war bound countries in Europe/Asia.
- 2 Federal buildings are completely destroyed.
- A Sudden outbreak of influenza.
- The Patriot Act ends up in court, its powers used to spy on civilians "For their own good"
- A 3rd becomes next.
- A Massive Financial meltdown that puts the Euro as the preferred Global Currency. Repercussions abound to the almighty US Dollar.
- A New form of computer virus programmed by a small team of individuals sweeps the globe within 24 hours.
- The Telluride Occurrence


Headline: "NKorean official confirms Kim Jong Un as leader"

PYONGYANG, North Korea – A top North Korean official confirmed Friday to broadcaster APTN that Kim Jong Il's youngest son [his THIRD son] will succeed him as the next leader of the reclusive communist nation.

The third has now officially become next.