Working Timemachine


Temporal Novice
Hi guys,

I'm working at a prototype for a timemachine at the moment.

Since there are quite a few, not to far fetched, approaches for building a device that works,

I'm certain that we already have most of the technologys needed to build one right now.

It seems like its only a matter of how to add different mechanisms together to finally get this to work.

Although I dont think that it is easily done in a basement or backyard, given the right amount of power

and supplys should do the trick.

There are certain labs MIT or Innsbruck(germany) that successfully created a Bose-Einstein condensate.

A state of matter with the temperature of 100 piko Kelvin, so just a fraction above the absolute zero point.

As quantumphysics evolved over the years, we got to know that all matter is energy condensed into certain vibrations (dont quote Tool on me :p ).

The strings in quantum theory appear to vibrate in specific frequencys/patterns to form quarks, which help atoms form.

If you know the chemistry regarding temperature, heat or cold is all about atoms moving at a certain speed.

The faster the hotter, the slower the colder.


"A Chronon is a proposed quantum of time" as although it is invisible(for now) this doenst mean it wont get affected by its environment.

The contrary can be proven to be precise. Time can slow down when exposed to huge amounts of gravity (black holes).

Or when traveling very fast, time dilation also slows things down subjectivly. The subject is this case however is not an atom, but a space.

I'm working on breaking the treshold of absolute zero.

In my theory, reaching the breaking point will not only stop the movement of atoms, but time as captured or rather "involved" in the space frozen completely.

And this is where we should be able to insert information.

Light can be slowed down to be analysed using a 100 piko Kelvin Bose-Einstein condensate. This has been done the first time around 2007 I believe.

By trapping it completely in absolute zero, the mass of it should be able to be manipulated.


What are your thoughts about this? Does anyone has experience with similar machines or ideas to add?

Best regards,

David Ferret

There are certain labs MIT or Innsbruck(germany) that successfully created a Bose-Einstein condensate.
Whoda thunk it. Innsbruck got up and walked from Austria to Germany, did it?

In my theory, reaching the breaking point will not only stop the movement of atoms, but time as captured or rather "involved" in the space frozen completely.
We're talking physics here so we need to be careful with the words we use. You don't have a theory, you have an idea or a personal opinion. In science a theory is a set of related ideas that have been rigorously fleshed out including the advanced mathematical description, advanced past the hypothesis stage, testable by independent experimental validation, falsifiable, published, peer reviewed and generally accepted by the scientific community. If someone tries to blow off a scientific theory by saying, "It's just someone's theory." you can rest assured that they don't know what they are talking about.

Example: The General Theory of Relativity is a scientific theory of physics as described above. The Many Worlds Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics is not a theory, it is a conjecture. It is not testable, falsifiable, subject to experimental validation or generally accepted by the scientific community.

You can't stop all movement of atoms. That's simply a fundamental truth and, in fact, the very basis, of quantum mechanics. The Uncertainty Principle clearly demonstrates that regardless of how you try to slice that pie there will always be some movement. Its not a matter of having a better theory, better tools or better measuring instruments there will always be some uncertainty about the velocity of the particles. Even if you couldn't detect the movement of the atoms themselves the quarks would be moving as would be the pi mesons (Pions) carrying the residual strong force between the hadrons (neutrons and protons) which in turn make the hadrons recoil when they absorb the pion (conservation of momentum).

Remember: E=mc^2; energy equals mass. If you reduce the temperature to zero (temperature is a way of expressing the energy of movement) then you have zero energy thus zero mass which violates Newton's 2nd Law (conservation of mass-energy).

You don't capture time. Time is relative, not absolute. For you to "freeze" time and capture it (whatever that means) you have created a preferred frame of reference. Now you've violated the Special Theory of Relativity.

Creating BECs, talking about Chronons (Chronons are not theoretical, they are just an idea that was tossed around in the 1950's without any real theoretical work done), strings and QM evolution are good topics but what do they have to do with making a time machine?

The first paragraph of your post stated that the degree of difficulty in building a time machine was just a matter of engineering and power supplies and then never came back to that idea. I can assure you that the building of a time machine is entirely theoretical, with damned little in the way of supporting theory. We are centuries, at least, away from deducing the problem to one of mere engineering.

Hi guys,

I'm working at a prototype for a timemachine at the moment.

Since there are quite a few, not to far fetched, approaches for building a device that works,

I'm certain that we already have most of the technologys needed to build one right now.

It seems like its only a matter of how to add different mechanisms together to finally get this to work.

Although I dont think that it is easily done in a basement or backyard, given the right amount of power

and supplys should do the trick.

There are certain labs MIT or Innsbruck(germany) that successfully created a Bose-Einstein condensate.

A state of matter with the temperature of 100 piko Kelvin, so just a fraction above the absolute zero point.

As quantumphysics evolved over the years, we got to know that all matter is energy condensed into certain vibrations (dont quote Tool on me :p ).

The strings in quantum theory appear to vibrate in specific frequencys/patterns to form quarks, which help atoms form.

If you know the chemistry regarding temperature, heat or cold is all about atoms moving at a certain speed.

The faster the hotter, the slower the colder.


"A Chronon is a proposed quantum of time" as although it is invisible(for now) this doenst mean it wont get affected by its environment.

The contrary can be proven to be precise. Time can slow down when exposed to huge amounts of gravity (black holes).

Or when traveling very fast, time dilation also slows things down subjectivly. The subject is this case however is not an atom, but a space.

I'm working on breaking the treshold of absolute zero.

In my theory, reaching the breaking point will not only stop the movement of atoms, but time as captured or rather "involved" in the space frozen completely.

And this is where we should be able to insert information.

Light can be slowed down to be analysed using a 100 piko Kelvin Bose-Einstein condensate. This has been done the first time around 2007 I believe.

By trapping it completely in absolute zero, the mass of it should be able to be manipulated.


What are your thoughts about this? Does anyone has experience with similar machines or ideas to add?

Best regards,

David Ferret
Hi @David-Ferret

How is your prototype going?

Many thanks
