Alternate forms of energy vehicles:

The components so far, are a large bank of solar cells.

An experimental series of LED low output laser diodes.

A used Toyota Tercel.

A weight reducing concept, within this auto.(All that is not needed, is pitched out).

An APU unit, from a disposal yard, military surplus.

A series of computers, uses, C engines and controllers, servos, from this junction.See Tern Corporation, on small portable C engines.

Electrical power cabeling and circuitry.

The decision to use an alternator, as allot of accessories, such as radio and heat, in some ways, are alternator powered.

A small Tessla table top Tessla Coil.

Inductors, to pull off the generation of the Tessla, in some way, as an etheric interface.(Means an open ended box, for this interface).

A large battery tray."Remember now, you have eliminated the steel block engine"?

Voltage regulators, relays, to be mixed with C engine, via servos and inter-relays, to mix power division allocation, power demand request, power expended use and power replenishments and storage.

These are the beginnings of a sun-electric vehicle, that only needs lubrication, not gasoline fuels.
These are the beginnings of a sun-electric vehicle, that only needs lubrication, not gasoline fuels.
Bad news for you Creedo, at least for one item on your list:
An APU unit, from a disposal yard, military surplus.
Military Auxiliary Power Units (APUs) are gas generator engines! The APUs used on aircraft are the same thing as a normal jet engine, with the exception that it is not used to produce thrust, only to extract shaft horsepower for mechanical, electrical, and hydraulic powered devices.

No' pod generators, A-6 jam freques.

Others, apu props, gen to gear, not mini jets.

Examples, turbo prop, Bell Iroquois.

Sam for rear eng. M-1, onto gearing via trans-box.

Not a turbine, prop, high speed, trans to gen.

Already sold, from such yards, used in early electric autos.__In print, How To, , Electric Vehicle.
Sirs, Mam' we are very dismayed to have to inform you at (Xxxxx) this new information, however we will not be able to afford driving our Xxxxxx) (Forest,herd), at these current gasoline prices.

There is nothing wrong with the vehicle.It's just too expensive to own, with the way the price of gasoline is going.

This past weekend, we had found ourselves at both a Toyota and Honda Dealers lot, looking at the latest in hybrid autos, as the price of gas, has gotten so expensive.

If this keeps up, we will be putting our retirement money, into our gas-tank. So we are as of now, looking for a hybrid vehicle, that can supplant the operational cost of owning our (Xxxxxx).

I would like (Xxxxxx) to know, if they have a current hybrid auto, in development, we would consider a test ownership program, to where we could test drive what you now have under development, that is if you are doing this now?!

We like our (Xxxxxx), but are very upset, at the price of Gas and only being able to get twenty-eight miles to the gallon, where the Honda and Preus, seem to get near forty to fifty MPG.

We are sick about this and just wanted you at (Xxxxxx), to know our limitations on this issue.

What we can't figure out, is with the apparent extremely skillful use of computers, already apparent in our (Xxxxxx) product, is why does not (Xxxxxx) Company, currently have a gas saving hybrid on the market?

I fear that lower gas MPG models, will end up in the junk yards, or sold for dirt cheap prices, with the way gasoline prices is currently making some of the fine cars, like Xxxxxx) Forest,herd, obsolete.

Sad to the point of tears,

Most Sincerely John Q & Becky Smith, mid Wash State, USA

Smith is ficticous to protect the innocent:
Most Sincerely John Q & Becky Smith, mid Wash State, USA

Smith is ficticous to protect the innocent:
A suggestion for Mr and Mrs Smith, whoever they might be...

You can reduce your energy costs for electricity, today, by adding solar and wind energy collection systems to your property. Wouldn't it be good to know that you generate all the electric energy you need, and then give some back to the power grid?

Makes me feel good. I'd encourage others to do this before they consider buying an all-electric vehicle. Of course I fully support the new hybrid generation vehicles. Buying them will certainly send an important message to car manufacturers.

Rainman' the gist of this thread, not discovered as of yet, is what happens when in one form or another, LED laser diodes are shot onto a series of solar cells.

Nobody knows this yet.Does this double the power out-take from this then modified solar/laser diode assembly?

2.What happens if one constructs a Tessla Coil, a small one, to interface with a series of power induction staffs and the power from these induction staffs, are then inverted back to D.C.?

Can you do this?

With a percentage of what you product from the solar cells can you then feed this power to a D.C. volataged only table-top Tessla and then put a certain percentage of this harvested power into the battery stores?

If the level of DC returned from the Tessal induction along with the solar cells laser diodes is over what battery acceptance rate is by voltage regulator, then this percentage can be added directly to the e-motor, via a regulator.

You've passed the point of not breaking even, with an energy surplus.
Oh by the way, the letter is true and has been sent today, to a trusted auto manufacturer.

The letter has been sanitized, so as not to hurt the company.
The method for applying an electric motor to a side saddle engine, requires light machining, to the electric motor applied to the transmission housing.

Side saddle motors, or horizontally opposed motors, within the engine compartment, as the easiest.

Large auxiliary motors, can be purchased brand new, used and or from surplus yards, you must do a search on the best place, at a reasonable cost, where you can find your particular style of motor?

Disconnect and remove battery from vehicle.

Apply parking brake and block wheels.

Remove engine, on a hoist.

Have help so that the engine can be removed safely if possible.

On a hoist, suspend large electric motor, that you are going to replace gasoline engine with and lower it to be posed next to, but not fitted into transmission housing.

Using an approximated guess, select what you must remove, or weld on and or change on the motor, or transmission housing?

Have a mechanic you can trust, look at this situation, so that you can be sure just what you need to change, from the electric motor mate, to transmission housing, if any?

With a little machining, you should be able to get a fit between the electric motor and the transmission housing, so that the motor turns the chief spline shaft, so that the transmission with be driven by the motor alone.

Solar cells exterior:Find a company that can supply you, the buyer with solar cells, via a large sheet of these cells.

The idea is not to power the auto alone on these cells, but to add a steady energy poll of power, that will always trickle back to the batteries.

This is really the driving force behind your new electric auto.

These cells, depending on what type of backing is on the back of them, can be exploited, however, I feel that a series of quick lock fasteners, might work better in holding these cells to the outside of the vehicle, as if one battery of them has been damaged, then you must have access in order to remove them.

There is a lead-out tab, from the corner of each solar cell series of batteries.

This tab or ribbon should go to a voltage regulator, that is D.C. in character.

The engineering problem here, is not to exceed the accepted voltage allowable, for the back to the battery recharge profile.

This is so, as batteries can only give out so much, before requiring a recharge, in order to keep the plate solution at a positive equilibrium.

If you drain a battery, or a series of batteries, which are housed within a large battery tray, then you've almost ruined, them, as there is a point to where you can drain a battery, to where it does not recharge properly.

Reply via resource.

The French & Swenson Design text, out of the French and Veric engineering design, collection of books.

The last of the series I had used, was a French and Swenson on design, in general.

This was coupled with manufacturing techniques, which housed the early ergonomics laws.

I had envisioned a Volkswagen, that was both computer run, with a battery tray.

What the problem would be, since the user of this vehicle might be on a highway, in the desert very late at night, is an extra sensitive solar cell mode, which would collect, still some level of light, even at twilight modes.

If you go with the peak tessla, and the inductor tessla set-up box, where from the Aerther the Tessla produces and interface for induction to work, during daylight hours, you will always have an abundance of charge, as the system would be self charging.

However at night, or early dusk, there would have to be plans, to utilize a fail-safe point, to where the auto could be plugged in, or at least run off its charge.

In theory if these solar cells were sena sative enough a light held on a staff, would generate enough power, however this is a reciprocal from system source of power.


I liked the Volkswagen Beetle, the newer one Rain, for the conversion factor.
History post:Attitudes on how much gasoline cost, at this time is not good.

Gas is above three dollars a gallon and has people very upset.

I see lots of people desperately looking in auto-lots for fuel efficient alternative vehicles, as they are trying to save enough money for retirement, not put that retirement money into their gas tanks.
I have noted the new Toyta Prieus, in a test drive.

This new auto, is worlds advanced, over a conventional auto.

I feel that this auto, will be the wave of the future.

Take several litres of any vegatable oil. (sunflower works fine)
Add a small amaount (1%) methylated spirit, and stir.
Await visible seperation into 2 distinct layers(bottom layer almost clear, top layer yellow)
Drain bottom layer off. And pour into deisil layer s glycerin and can be used to make soap or explosives.

The resultant fel is biodeisil and can be used i most modern deisil engines, older engines can hande the glycerine better and do not always equire seperation. This fuel is carbon neutral and totaly biodegrdeable.

and it makes your exhaust fumes smell like doughnuts.


The Toyota Prieus is a great car! Completely silent (well, almost) when it's running on electrical mode, and it switches between conventional fuel & electronic supply without causing the driver to notice.

The Bio-diesel sounds great, but isn't the process slightly dangerous (the glycerin part sounds a bit dodgy)? I was under the assumption that you had to go to a specialist to get this fuel (I say specialist, but this is normally a farmer in the deepest darkest fens who uses this to power his new combine!)

It would be great if I could make bio-diesel at home (have you seen the fuel prices in the UK?)
If this is possible using the method described, have you tried it? I'll give it a go, but I'll be mighty peeved if i blow myself up in the process!


Mr ben,

The process is as safe as making salad dressing, the glycerine is safe until mixed with nitrogen (nitroglycerine), the only reason to seperate it out is cos it forms a "varnish" on the internals of the engine. This could be sorted out with a regular dose of engine flush. Tesco's are currently selling a 5% bio to mineral deisil mix at selected stores across the uk. You can make your own but your supposed to inform customs and excise and pay fuel duty on what you make. Your home made bio should work out at about 70p per litre once all taxes are paid up. the link below should be useful to you,

How energy within an eletromechanicle flywheel is used, is at per set rate of time, this wheel spins to usage.

How the mass put into constant energy is utilized, is up to the people controlling this device.

The mass of a wheel n foot in diameter, is utilized via its rotating mass, once in motion.This motion, can be transferred into other mechanical advantage.

The way this wheel is brought into motion, without the use of gasoline, can be by an induction post that gathers electrical energy from the air, this current smoothed by a capacitor then a portion of this energy place into a series of storage batteries.

In this simple set-up, a source of mechanical power, is always there for people who want to utilize this power.
How to move a rotating wheel, to constant motion, is to utilize an input of electrical energy via two or more contributing phased sources, so that then the capacitor holding that charge is depleted, the other capacitor being filled can be used.
I have been trying in a cordoned area, to move my auto, at a certain rate.

I disengage the motor from the transmission and then let the car drift to the area goal that I have set for it.

I am finding that I can routinely drift this vehicle, up and down hills and for flat sets of distance, for varied amounts of time.

*This is a dry condition.

In a gasoline use environment, when this feature goes and then one has to switch to electric, does the new design of a different kind of variable capacitor, by staff inductor system, give this type of vehicle, the necessary push, to get from one place to another?