hhhh it seems that titor was right ( Quantum gravity takes singularity out of black holes )

The key is to actually read the phrase in English.

"Displacement" as used in physics is defined as the magnitude of a vector. "Temporal" refers to time. If he meant space he would have used the term "spatial displacement".
>>>>If he meant space he would have used the term "spatial displacement" , Are you sure about that. Some where i read where he said he was not an expert on what his machine did. Displacement/vector-Distortion of Space pretty much the same thing. "Temporal" as he knew his machine to be or as it was described to him to be. It's not what i believe it to be, not what you or anyone else should consider it as being in my opinion. Study the open schematics and you will understand why. Your reply is respected but not embraced. His machine defy special relativity. It's not a time machine it's a unit that manipulates space/displacement of space which ever way you prefer to say it for it matters not to me it's pretty much the same thing but its not temporal as he suggested and understood it to be! Yes i am saying he didn't fully understand what his device did!
Displacement/vector-Distortion of Space pretty much the same thing.

How are they pretty much the same thing? Displacement is one element of a vector. Taken alone it is a scalar quantity. It just says how much, but not what direction. Distortion of space can be expressed as a vector field but it doesn't "go" anywhere.

We know that he didn't understand the physics that he was expressing. No one would because it was pseudo-science based on reading a few websites on the subject. We've already had an actual physicist or two weigh in on that portion of the Titor Saga. Dr. Robert Brown, once he recovered from hysterical laughter, posted his comments here. (Actually, I posted the email that he wrote to me, with his permission.) Dr. Brown is a professor of physics at Duke University.

His machine defy special relativity

Where does it defy special relativity? Actually, where does special relativity come into play with his gadget? By his own description is involves gravitational distortion of space-time. Gravity is absent from special relativity, which explains why it is called "special" relativity. SR is a limiting case where gravity is absent, or in the weak field limit, ignored.
How are they pretty much the same thing? Displacement is one element of a vector. Taken alone it is a scalar quantity. It just says how much, but not what direction. Distortion of space can be expressed as a vector field but it doesn't "go" anywhere.

We know that he didn't understand the physics that he was expressing. No one would because it was pseudo-science based on reading a few websites on the subject. We've already had an actual physicist or two weigh in on that portion of the Titor Saga. Dr. Robert Brown, once he recovered from hysterical laughter, posted his comments here. (Actually, I posted the email that he wrote to me, with his permission.) Dr. Brown is a professor of physics at Duke University.

Where does it defy special relativity? Actually, where does special relativity come into play with his gadget? By his own description is involves gravitational distortion of space-time. Gravity is absent from special relativity, which explains why it is called "special" relativity. SR is a limiting case where gravity is absent, or in the weak field limit, ignored.

I understand the Science behind his device. To explain this id need more then a thousand characters that's allowed to post. But honestly i don't need to go that far. Anyone understanding basic science and physics and even basic electronics can look at this with a clear and open mind and see what i am saying its not that hard if you take what you been taught as fact and replace it with whats plausible that's the only hint ill give you. The calculation for vector ,there is something not right in the equation below that's been corrected but not made available and aware to the majority of the science community, can you guess what? x= (x1,I2,....,I n) where each xi is an element of F. the operations of Fn are defined by x+y= (x1+y1,x2,...., xn +yn / ax= (ax2,..., axn) 0=(0,0,...,0) -x=(-x1, -x2,...,-xn) Ths is an example of vector space, so yes i understand vector space all the known theories and formulas thus made available thus far. Id put my formula up but it would blow your mind and id have more popularity then i really want.It not my formula it's been around for a very long time. Let's make this formula above clarified so that folks reading know where your coming from and what your saying. Any positive integer (n) being space of all n-tuples of elements which of F forms an n-dimensional vector which is space over F there for sometimes called coordinate space and denoted Fn. An element of Fn as it is written.
Im just a simple minded person Darby not a physicist at Duke University like Dr. Brown. I find it fascinating that a physicist like Dr. Brown was more concerned about John memory and spelling and grammar errors then the actual pseudo-science as you called it Darby, here a link to one his statements about John Titor Chemistry - John Titor. Now Darby look at me, i am not using proper grammar and have made many mistakes in many of my posts. It could be that i am piss poor at proper English or that i am lazy and don't take the time to proof read and correct my errors, it doesn't suggest that i don't know what i am talking about! I shall attempt to counter Dr. Brown crazy statements about John simple minded education and a lack there of. It was a nuclear war. Have anyone of us been through a nuclear world war? I am pretty sure public schooling among many other things changed a lot after a war like that. As for him not recalling many event's about the war or being not as forthcoming about facts i believe is how Mr. Brown hinted to it. A war like what John described would have had long lasting effects mentally, you might go talk to a war veteran and see how much info you get from him or now her- before it sounds off the wall in the conversation or event's as described just don't make sense!

I understand the science you are embracing Darby in regards to this, It's text book! However please don't quote me in the same context to discredit me based on Dr. Browns assessments, when he looks at grammar and spelling mistakes as opposed to pseudo-science as you say that he should be discrediting. The man has done a lot to discredit the Titor story and that's his choice however i do not concur with his findings. For i feel he lacks that which he does not clearly understand. Remember Einstein was laughed at a time or two as well and not taken serious by the science community in his early year correct me if i am mistaken. I also think he had issues with his own shoe laces and brushing his hair in the morning. Might be interesting to note that Einstein knew little more about this subject then the majority of the science community has been let on to know about. Example, Philadelphia Experiments of 1943. Are do you keep to the opinion that those experiments was nothing more then a hoax?

You say Darby that Titor explanation of how his device as he understood it to work is pseudo-science based on whats currently made available out there to read. Of course back then in 2000 not much was made available only after the story went viral did it become more publicized. I tell you his pseudo-science as you call it has been around for 3,000 years or longer and is suppressed technology, What do you say about that? The only part of his device i really don't understand is how it manages to allow him to move forward and backwards on that alternate time line a she claimed, some of that as he explains is sketchy and from the schematics i can't see how it allowed him to do that. His program being more or less a Binary based application with a A linear time algorithm the key might be in there somewhere i don't know. The rest of this technology i assure you can be duplicated. Why do you think there a patent out on it Darby? I assure Mr. Darby that this has all been done before. In fact it's being done now your just not made aware of it and the public not made aware of it but you can bet the kind gentle folks at Las Alamos and other not so open and public scientific research labs which are controlled by this government and others in the shadows know all to well about this technology and are playing with it today. Once again i point to the open schematics of the machine which im surprised they are left up sooner or later they will be forced down by the powers that be. I say look very closely at the center of the device. Tell me what that coil is? Look how it's connected and look at what's around it i feel stupid for pointing this out to you. This is not new technology people! Others have used it. In fact some of this technology used in your cell phones today. It was used at coral castle and that list continues and is very large.
Please do explain it. And don't forget that if you make something up, we might point that out to you.

I have a question first before i actually think long and hard about even typing up a small bit of this formula for this tech to all of you. If our situations was reversed and you knew of the technology and the math and science behind a topic that's already been shredded and torn apart by the very same community it was reported to in the first place, would you be so willing to come fourth and explain it!
(lol, pseudo-science as its called) Would you give more accurate insight and answers to a community that's already shunned the science?
If John Titor was able to come back (which he not and he will never be able to) do you think knowing and seeing all that's been said, written and thus far ridiculed about him would spark him to want to give you all more information? Besides we all know now thanks to investigators and conspiracy nut jobs out there that the the whole story fabricated and its really Rick Haber and his family behind it, right and oh we can't forget Pamela she all mixed into this as well and heck why not include Oliver Williams, The whole cast and crew of Coast to Coast AM let us put Art Bell on the hot seat shall we? It so easy to say something doesn't exist or that its fake or made up then to delve into it, research it and find the truth within it.

Titor given all of us proof that his dimensional gate unit indeed works but the majority of you folks on this site don't even believe the small amount of evidence he given you thus far. So my question is whats the point of giving you more? Have any of you looked at the open schematics like i suggested and offered up an answer to the central coil within the device? No! You have not! Why should i divulge anything if your not willing to even look? Furthermore this is old technology folks. Very old! No question in my mind that G.E. Built the device from John Time line as he described. In fact anyone smart enough to look at it might recognize some of the components that G.E. plays with today in military used applications of other equipment besides this unit. Ill grant you there probably not made viewable to the public especially sense they are considered top secret and in John schematics they are miniaturized but none the less they can be identified and clearly seen if your looking hard enough! Some of Tesla technology is in this device people that's all i am gonna point out! I feel kinda stupid even having to state that! Lower your expectation of what you learned and been told about how conductivity and energy works and start to view this device with an open mind and from a birds eye and all the sudden it will make perfect sense and what you claim to be pseudo-science becomes plausible science. Stop calling it a time machine! This device can and is being reversed engineered folks. Why do you think G.E. had no comment when this story broke? Why do you think the U.S. government came out with a disclaimer against people who believe in the John Titor story how they should be considered radical at best. If it's no threat and its all hog wash where the harm and threat? Why was CERN so hush, hush about this in the early days and now has a reversed direction on some the mechanics behind this science and further more has come forward to say some of the (pseudo-science-lol this makes me laugh every time i say pseudo) anyways CERN come fourth and said its actually not that far fetched in some of what Titor stated. CERN like Dr. Brown also likes to make fun of the Titor story. The leading specialists at CERN knows as I know that this technology can literally be re-created from a few things laying around at your house and a trip to the hardware store if you understand its mechanics and what it really is. I take the statement about the trip to the hardware store back you might need to hunt on the internet for some of it but none the less it's possible. Do you believe "Einstein" in cars that run off water? Just because a car like that is not out there and on the market for-sale to the general public doesn't mean the science, technology and mechanics doesn't exist! There was a man not to long ago who tried to come forward with his technology to change the consumption of fuel and vehicles forever. He died trying to release his technology to the public! People who come forward on things that could change society as a whole end up dieing! You really want me to explain it? I'm really not that old and kinda like living!
How are they pretty much the same thing? Displacement is one element of a vector. Taken alone it is a scalar quantity. It just says how much, but not what direction. Distortion of space can be expressed as a vector field but it doesn't "go" anywhere.

We know that he didn't understand the physics that he was expressing. No one would because it was pseudo-science based on reading a few websites on the subject. We've already had an actual physicist or two weigh in on that portion of the Titor Saga. Dr. Robert Brown, once he recovered from hysterical laughter, posted his comments here. (Actually, I posted the email that he wrote to me, with his permission.) Dr. Brown is a professor of physics at Duke University.

Where does it defy special relativity? Actually, where does special relativity come into play with his gadget? By his own description is involves gravitational distortion of space-time. Gravity is absent from special relativity, which explains why it is called "special" relativity. SR is a limiting case where gravity is absent, or in the weak field limit, ignored.[/quote

You know i overlooked this comment about gravity and his unit so sorry im getting back to you late. How it relates, hmmm ill try to explain without giving it away. I toss an apple up into the air, the apple doesn't stay up in the air, it comes back down. Why? Its gravity! His unit used a dampening field of sorts to keep the black hole down closer to the ground so he didn't end up flying off into open space or arrive into a mountain somewhere. Id call it controlled gravitational dampening but to do that it must manipulate what we understand to be the norm on gravity. To do that we must understand how black holes work and the laws surrounding special relativity for his device distorts space and opens a gateway to a parallel dimension the theory given in special relativity and as how we all know it doesn't apply exactly to the norm with this device in operation but it doesn't defy the law as outlined by Einstein . This doesn't really explain much to you Darby but perhaps if you read a little on what Einstein had to say about the mechanics of special relativity and what i am saying this unit to be you might catch the reality of what this device is all about!

As long as one was convinced that all natural phenomena were capable of representation with the help of classical mechanics, there was no need to doubt the validity of this principle of relativity. But in view of the more recent development of electrodynamics and optics it became more and more evident that classical mechanics affords an insufficient foundation for the physical description of all natural phenomena. At this juncture the question of the validity of the principle of relativity became ripe for discussion, and it did not appear impossible that the answer to this question might be in the negative.
Nevertheless, there are two general facts which at the outset speak very much in favour of the validity of the principle of relativity. Even though classical mechanics does not supply us with a sufficiently broad basis for the theoretical presentation of all physical phenomena, still we must grant it a considerable measure of “truth,” since it supplies us with the actual motions of the heavenly bodies with a delicacy of detail little short of wonderful. The principle of relativity must therefore apply with great accuracy in the domain of mechanics. But that a principle of such broad generality should hold with such exactness in one domain of phenomena, and yet should be invalid for another, is a priori not very probable.
Note<<<<<<<< It is in fact probable to a point, technology, math, science behind it was not available at this time to make understandable to Einstein the adverse difference in dark matter, yet it really doesn't impact the theory of special relativity sense its just an adverse effect, an echo of an alternate domain within the phenomena and the ripples of space divergence in the 4th dimension.
ALL OF THE LAWS OF PHYSICS are the same for every inertial observer.
By observing the outcome of any experiment (mechanical, electromagnetic, optical---or any physical law whatsoever), one cannot distinguish a state of rest from a state of constant velocity.
People who come forward on things that could change society as a whole end up dieing! You really want me to explain it? I'm really not that old and kinda like living!

You did make the claim that you understood how Titor's gadget works. And I have an open mind. As you can see, no one else seems to be interested. That's about par for the course on a time travel site. I know how you feel. I posted my idea for a time machine design a while back. And my research does suggest it will work. And nobody really cares. And no one has taken any pot shots at me either. The fact is I don't think anyone will take you seriously even if you do have something real to talk about. Have you ever heard that the best place to hide is right out in the open?

So go for it. Tell us how Titor's gadget works.
Micro black holes could form at lower-than-expected energies

Mar 15, 2013 16 comments

Emerging from the collision
New simulations of head-on collisions of particles travelling at nearly the speed of light show that black-hole formation can occur at lower collision energies than expected, according to a team of researchers in the US. The researchers attribute this to a "gravitational focusing effect" whereby the two colliding particles act like gravitational lenses, focusing the energy of the collision into two distinct light-trapping regions that eventually collapse into a single black hole. Although the work shows that black holes can form at lower collision energies than expected, the team says that the result has no impact on real particle collisions taking place at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN.
You did make the claim that you understood how Titor's gadget works. And I have an open mind. As you can see, no one else seems to be interested. That's about par for the course on a time travel site. I know how you feel. I posted my idea for a time machine design a while back. And my research does suggest it will work. And nobody really cares. And no one has taken any pot shots at me either. The fact is I don't think anyone will take you seriously even if you do have something real to talk about. Have you ever heard that the best place to hide is right out in the open?

So go for it. Tell us how Titor's gadget works.
I think he understand how but can't explain how....
If you have a design why didn't you suggested it to me before ?

The whole problem is that society can't take this for real as we can't get to see farther than our own digit (what we believe in !) so we will not get scientist to ask themselves about this and so we will stay in our own shit. The system is running wild ! The only way you can get what you want is to submit and get ppl to ask them-self !
Anyone understanding basic science and physics and even basic electronics can look at this with a clear and open mind and see what i am saying its not that hard if you take what you been taught as fact and replace it with whats plausible that's the only hint ill give you.

I'll give you a hint. More than a decade ago we had two electronic engineers, one from England and the other from the USA, post that they clearly recognized the basic schematics that Titor posted. Both engineers were in the mining industry and said that the schematics were for a BOC gas spectrometer from the 1960's. The gadget whose schematic was posted was one that had removable PC boards (the right side of the schematic) that had PROMS pre-programmed for BNC (biological, nuclear and chemical) detection. The item was a basic "kit bash" by the time that Titor posted the drawing.

But I do have some experience in physics. There's nothing in any of his drawings or schematics that indicate anything unusual, certainly not a time machine. And most certainly they don't indicate how one navigates, with any degree of certainty of outcome, a black hole.

I think that what's going on here is that you have a preferred outcome and have lost all perspective on critical analysis. Opinions are fine but the proof of the pudding is content and detail. Where in Titor's details is the proof? Point them out with specificity. Then support the analysis with facts outside the Titor missive.
I had considered posting my suspicions on Titor's "time machine" several times and with the renewed interest of this thread I was finally going to. Darby, it seems you beat me to it but, even better, you have a specific device. I only had a vague reference. My father was a supervisor with Illinois Bell, just that name tells you it was some time ago. I remember in the 60's, while keeping up with technological advances, he often brought technical manuals home to study. I would read them and look through them too, acting like I understood what was in them. As a result of that, I do remember seeing "very" similar looking pictures and schematics. My first reaction to the Titor pictures was; This looks like 60's technology and drawings. I wished I could have shown them to my father. He may have recognized it. I always wondered if any electrical engineers had given an opinion on the device. Now I know. Thanks for this info. It helps confirm my suspicions.
I think he understand how but can't explain how....
If you have a design why didn't you suggested it to me before ?

I did start a thread titled "My Time Machine Blueprint".

I pointed out obvious physical indicators in mother natures design. So I am just building an experimental device that will mimic the way mother nature appears to create the flow of time. By controlling an objects weight.

Moving magnetic and electric fields simulate the effect of inertial weight in stationary objects. But I got the idea to create standing waves of weight. Basically by pointing two wave generators toward each other. An object resting within these standing waves would develop either more or less weight. This kind of weight would be similar to gravitational weight. But what isn't apparent right away is that the flow of time associates with an objects weight. We know this from observations of our Sun. More gravitational weight translates into a slower flow rate of time.

So suppose I increase my weight using electromagnetic standing waves by just one percent. How much slower would I be moving through time? That would be mere speculation at this point. But it seems to me there would be a limiting threshold of one second slower for every second of forward time. Beyond that threshold, it seems my flow rate through time would be backwards. So quite possibly at the power levels where one second backwards equals one second forwards, I might actually become invisible. Any power level greater than that, would cause an apparent backwards time flow direction.

So that's the concept behind my time machine design. And the anticipated result. But don't hold your breath. I'm not going to use myself as a test subject till I know its safe. If they were using this concept in the Philadelphia experiment, obviously they ran into some glitches. Probably those damn tube amplifiers. But that's all they had available at the time.

And then there are lots of spinoff directions using this standing weight wave concept. What if I used the concept to create standing waves of negative weight? An object would float. That brings to mind the Hutchinson effect. Wasn't there a video of a chunk of iron floating? And of course the military applications are just too dangerous to even talk about.

Currently I just completed making the circuit boards of two 100 watt amplifiers that are supposed to NOT self destruct at high power levels. I got all the components mounted on the boards, but haven't completed the amplifier construction yet. I still have to construct the signal generator that will feed the amplifiers. Probably another couple of months till test phase begins.
Thank you for this great explanation,
I'm really happy to see that your experiments consists in the same kind of work than with Blackholes (using 2 'generator' facing each other to display an 'isolated' system) but with waves.

It's getting really interesting to me as I have been confirmed that music, harmony have to do with everything. Sound is a wave as light but music is not the same. It is the physical paradigm whose example lets say that the Big Bang (unproven theory) is a deception: it is at best a Big sound: an orderly sound. And order, coming before the time, space, and energy, is part of alchemy, whose outlines are all necessarily 'in accordance' (chord ;) ) with the music ...

I have to go further in this way but with a harmonious wave you might be able to get to the second step which is synthesizing space.
Darby a few times on coast to coast am get you a little fed up with this story on Titor? Or do you miss the golden days of post to post so i guess there for this all just bores you hey? You help out the boys with hoax hunters?
Here a nice picture for ya Darby. In the mean time i will continue with back engineering the device! I don't have any desire to go mining as you say but lets see what work i can do on the pseudo science. Oh an by the way i don't think Mr. Marlin Pohlman could patent schematics that are as you described below with your story in use and would have already been patent and thus the story of John Titor would have been put to rest long ago!

I'll give you a hint. More than a decade ago we had two electronic engineers, one from England and the other from the USA, post that they clearly recognized the basic schematics that Titor posted. Both engineers were in the mining industry and said that the schematics were for a BOC gas spectrometer from the 1960's. The gadget whose schematic was posted was one that had removable PC boards (the right side of the schematic) that had PROMS pre-programmed for BNC (biological, nuclear and chemical) detection. The item was a basic "kit bash" by the time that Titor posted the drawing.

But I do have some experience in physics. There's nothing in any of his drawings or schematics that indicate anything unusual, certainly not a time machine. And most certainly they don't indicate how one navigates, with any degree of certainty of outcome, a black hole.

I think that what's going on here is that you have a preferred outcome and have lost all perspective on critical analysis. Opinions are fine but the proof of the pudding is content and detail. Where in Titor's details is the proof? Point them out with specificity. Then support the analysis with facts outside the Titor missive.[/quote
I'll give you a hint. More than a decade ago we had two electronic engineers, one from England and the other from the USA, post that they clearly recognized the basic schematics that Titor posted. Both engineers were in the mining industry and said that the schematics were for a BOC gas spectrometer from the 1960's. The gadget whose schematic was posted was one that had removable PC boards (the right side of the schematic) that had PROMS pre-programmed for BNC (biological, nuclear and chemical) detection. The item was a basic "kit bash" by the time that Titor posted the drawing.

But I do have some experience in physics. There's nothing in any of his drawings or schematics that indicate anything unusual, certainly not a time machine. And most certainly they don't indicate how one navigates, with any degree of certainty of outcome, a black hole.

I think that what's going on here is that you have a preferred outcome and have lost all perspective on critical analysis. Opinions are fine but the proof of the pudding is content and detail. Where in Titor's details is the proof? Point them out with specificity. Then support the analysis with facts outside the Titor missive.


This is a 1960s Spectrometer, uhmm darby dont really look much like Titor machine!
Gravity is at
How are they pretty much the same thing? Displacement is one element of a vector. Taken alone it is a scalar quantity. It just says how much, but not what direction. Distortion of space can be expressed as a vector field but it doesn't "go" anywhere.

We know that he didn't understand the physics that he was expressing. No one would because it was pseudo-science based on reading a few websites on the subject. We've already had an actual physicist or two weigh in on that portion of the Titor Saga. Dr. Robert Brown, once he recovered from hysterical laughter, posted his comments here. (Actually, I posted the email that he wrote to me, with his permission.) Dr. Brown is a professor of physics at Duke University.

Where does it defy special relativity? Actually, where does special relativity come into play with his gadget? By his own description is involves gravitational distortion of space-time. Gravity is absent from special relativity, which explains why it is called "special" relativity. SR is a limiting case where gravity is absent, or in the weak field limit, ignored.

Gravity is at play in his device go back re-read what he said.
Here Titor Schematics i keep hinting to. Where is this device in these schematics?

Here's another hint for this schematic. Notice all the nice vacuum tube technology? Where its marked "singularity"? That's a klystron. The "cooling system"? What's the gas chamber for the gas spectrometer. The gas samples are held there before being bombarded by the klystron.

So we are to believe that the most advanced piece of technology imaginable, a time machine, is built not just from 1960's technology but on 1920's technology - vacuum tubes? Have you ever tried to purchase a vacuum tube lately? Now try finding a vacuum tube (let alone manufacture one) after the world has been nuked into the stone age killing some 3 billion people and destroying every major city on Earth (which, surprisingly, is where all of our world's manufacturing capability resides along with the folks who have the technical skills to manufacture "stuff").

Yes, the Hilger spectrometer looks as in the photo. In the above schematic a boatload of equipment that is absent from the Hilger is included. What you did, however, was to purposely choose from hundreds of examples of 1960's gas spectrometers the one that least looked like the schematic because you have a preferred answer. We've been down this road over a decade ago.
Here's another hint for this schematic. Notice all the nice vacuum tube technology? Where its marked "singularity"? That's a klystron. The "cooling system"? What's the gas chamber for the gas spectrometer. The gas samples are held there before being bombarded by the klystron.

So we are to believe that the most advanced piece of technology imaginable, a time machine, is built not just from 1960's technology but on 1920's technology - vacuum tubes? Have you ever tried to purchase a vacuum tube lately? Now try finding a vacuum tube (let alone manufacture one) after the world has been nuked into the stone age killing some 3 billion people and destroying every major city on Earth (which, surprisingly, is where all of our world's manufacturing capability resides along with the folks who have the technical skills to manufacture "stuff").

Yes, the Hilger spectrometer looks as in the photo. In the above schematic a boatload of equipment that is absent from the Hilger is included. What you did, however, was to purposely choose from hundreds of examples of 1960's gas spectrometers the one that least looked like the schematic because you have a preferred answer. We've been down this road over a decade ago.

Well first off i did not take the time to find the least likely looking photo of the Spectrometer. In fact i did a google search found one on e-bay and bang there you go! In all i think it took me 2-3 minutes of time. Now as for your claims that John device using the spectrometer and vacuum system, yes i agree that it has the components as you claim it to have also uses telsa technology as well and its clearly seen there in the schematics. By the way I would remind that some of Tesla technology is 60+ years old if not older. As for my device it will go back even further by thousands of years in it's technology using prisms, crystals and also Tesla technology the vacuum system will eb abit different but none the less the same design. What i propose to do is much different then the C204 design but pretty much the same result . This technology goes way back Darby. We (US Government) played with it in 1943. The Nazi played with it in there Bell experiments before the end of the war. Do you want me to go on? You identified this device as something totally different based on what a couple folks said because in all i suspect they thought the story was hog wash from get go. No one else has come fourth claiming what your claiming Darby other then debunkers. I am not to sure why your working so hard at debunking this yet if your the Darby that's appeared on CoasttoCoastAm in one your segments you did you give claim that the science is there. Your now going back on what you said?
>>>> So we are to believe that the most advanced piece of technology imaginable, a time machine, is built not just from 1960's technology but on 1920's technology, <<<<Why not it was done in the 1940's by Tesla and Einstein and you can toss the Nazi scientists in there as well. You want me to break it down is what your wanting me to do. This way you keep arguing these points in the hopes ill give you a clue as to weather or not I am just a simple minded person who knows nothing about this technology. Truth is Darby i am as simple minded as Edward Leedskalnin and he use this technology in his creation of his castle. Keep in mind he was simple minded. He had no phd degrees. People are still amazed and shocked at how he accomplished his project with just himself and some rope and pulleys . He claimed he used perpetual motion device. So Darby, the technology been around for a very long time. Yes i do expect you to believe that 1920's even back as far 3000BC technology in use with this type of device.
"The scientists of today think deeply instead of clearly. One must be sane to think clearly but one can think clearly and be quite insane." Nikola Tesla
Technology of the past can evade and slip past the human mind to be forgotten by reality to the technology of the future. You can look at the device John furnished and say its nothing more then parts and gizmos and neat little tubes and spectrometers mixed in with circuit boards or you can look deeper with a open and clear mind and see it for what it really and truly is.
So we are to believe that the most advanced piece of technology imaginable, a time machine, is built not just from 1960's technology but on 1920's technology - vacuum tubes? Have you ever tried to purchase a vacuum tube lately? Now try finding a vacuum tube (let alone manufacture one) after the world has been nuked into the stone age killing some 3 billion people and destroying every major city on Earth (which, surprisingly, is where all of our world's manufacturing capability resides along with the folks who have the technical skills to manufacture "stuff").

As for the Vacuum tubes being readily available, yes they are in fact out there. You can go on E-bay right now and buy as many as you like. In fact there a lot of military grade vacuum tubes for auction right now.This Darby took me less then 3 minutes to find!
Alot of 7 6AU6 Vacum Tubes Tested and Made for The Military | eBay